Building Business Websites with Squarespace 7(Second Edition)

Understanding annotations

Unlike some content management systems or blogging platforms, Squarespace allows you to make content changes directly on the page you are viewing. This means that you do not need to access a separate area to adjust content; you can make changes in the Site Manager by clicking on the area you wish to change in the Preview screen. Squarespace highlights editable areas using the Annotations system. Annotations appear when you hover your mouse over an editable part of your web page, and they show you the name of the element and a link to the tools you can use to make adjustments. Here's an example of an annotation:

Take a moment now to hover over various parts of the page showing in your Preview screen to familiarize yourself with annotations and to get a glimpse into the types of things we will adjust later. Just hover for now—don't click on anything yet, because we will need to perform a couple of steps before we dive into making adjustments. Instead, let's continue on our tour.