Building Business Websites with Squarespace 7(Second Edition)


If you will be offering any downloadable files on your site, ensure that they are formatted in an accessible way.

Use PDF for documents, MP3 for audio, and ZIP for multifile folders.

Avoid file formats that will require users to have platform-specific or niche software to open them.

The maximum file size allowed by Squarespace is 20 MB, but this is far larger than necessary for most everyday purposes. A good rule of thumb is to aim for file sizes of no more than 1-2 MB, or 5 MB for long PDF brochures or sound files.

Name your files in a logical way that will make sense to your customers. Use hyphens or underscores instead of spaces, as web browsers can have problems with spaces.

Good: jump-sportswear-price-list.pdf
Not so good: 020333871 V3 final-aug2017.doc