Emancipating the Mind and Bringing Order out of Chaos
The great debate on the criteria for testing truth
On February 7, 1977, an editorial titled "Learn the Documents and Grasp the Principles", carried in the People's Daily, Red Flag, and PLA Newspaper, proposed the idea of"two whatevers" – "We will resolutely uphold whatever policy decisions Chairman Mao makes, and unswervingly follow whatever instructions Chairman Mao gives."
On May 11, 1978, Guangming Daily published "Practice is the Sole Criterion for Testing Truth". The article explained that social practice was the sole criterion for testing truth, that the integration of theory with practice was one of the most basic principles of Marxism, and that any theory should be verified by practice. This was a criticism of the principle of the "two whatevers". The article triggered strong responses and a heated debate nationwide on the criteria for testing truth.
"Practice Is the Sole Criterion for Testing Truth"
I think the "two whatevers" is a typical example of idealism and metaphysics. Its crux lies in the denial of practice as a criterion,and the denial of testing theories, guidelines,policies and decisions in practice.
– Hu Fuming, main author of the Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China
The great debate cleared up leftist mistakes, heralding the ensuing effort to bring order out of chaos on all fronts. It made the necessary ideological preparation for the decision of reform and opening up made at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the CPC.
Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China
On October 12, 1980, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued a notice to organize a discussion session to be attended by 4,000 persons. On June 27-29, 1981 the Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee was held in Beijing. At the session the Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China was reviewed and adopted.
The Resolution pointed out that Mao Zedong Thought was a summary of the correct theorical principles and experience of Chinese revolution, which had been proven in practice. It was the crystallization of the collective wisdom of Chinese Communists. China must uphold Mao Zedong Thought and enrich and develop it with new principles and conclusions in light of the realities.
The adoption of the Resolution marked that the CPC had accomplished the mission of bringing order out of chaos. It was an epoch-making event in unifying the thought of the Party, the military, and the people, in mobilizing all positive factors and galvanizing strength to work towards new goals, and in calling on the whole nation to strive for modernization. It summarized the lessons learnt, solved pending issues, and laid a sound political basis for development of the Party and the state in the age of reform and opening up.
Restoration of the college entrance examination
In 1966-1971 China's institutes of higher education stopped enrollment altogether. In 1972-1976 universities recruited students from workers, farmers and soldiers, on the basis of self-application, public recommendation, approval by authorities,and school review. This unreasonable mode led people to believe that education was useless, and the quality of education seriously declined. There was a severe lack of professional personnel much needed for national building.
"Do not make changes back and forth when it is set."
At the meeting on science and education,Deng Xiaoping shared his views: We will put in place a new education system next year. This year preparation should be made in the school system, teaching materials, teachers, source of students, enrollment, examnication, and appraisal. Everything should be made clear. Do not make changes back and forth when it is set.
On August 4-8, 1977, Deng Xiaoping presided over a meeting on science and education at the Great Hall of the People. Some 30 wellknown scientists and educators attended the meeting, and Deng gave an important speech which later became known as the "August 8 speech". A decision at the meeting directly led to the resumption of the college entrance examination, changing the fate of tens of millions of people.
Spring of science: the national science conference
On March 18-31, 1978, a national conference on science was held in Beijing. At the opening ceremony Deng Xiaoping made an important speech, pointing out that the key to modernization was the modernization of science and technology,that China should cultivate a contingent of world-class scientists and technicians, and that intellectuals were a part of the working class. He reaffirmed: "Science and technology constitute a primary productive force."
Themed on science and technology, the conference bore overall significance. It established the guidelines on scientific and technological development, and restored respect for science and technology in the whole society. It marked a new beginning of the modernization drive.
Embracing the spring of science
Before the national science conference was closed, a written speech by Guo Moruo,the 86-year-old president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was read at the venue.Titled "Embracing the Spring of Science", it says: "The most brilliant spring of science in the history of our nation is here"; "This is the spring of science! Let us open our arms wide and embrace it."
Four discussions on distribution according to labor
The discussion on distribution according to labor is not only a theoretical issue, but also concerns the vital interests of the people and the modernization drive.
In April, June and October 1977, three discussions on the matter were held in Beijing, each time of a larger scale. The meetings mostly criticized the Gang of Four and the Leftist guidelines in the past, to bring order to the theoretical front.
In May 1978, with the guidance of Deng Xiaoping, the political research office of the State Council wrote the article"Implementing the Socialist Principle of Distribution According to Labor", which was published in the People's Daily on May 5,thus restoring the "reputation" of the principle. Deng Xiaoping's strong support for the principle laid a solid basis for shifting the focus of the Party's work to economic development.
In October 1978, before the central work meeting, a fourth discussion of an even larger scale on the matter was held in Beijing. Generally speaking, major progress had been achieved in restoring the principle of distribution according to labor during this period.
"Let some people get rich first."
The misconception about socialism and egalitarianism in distribution proved to be a major obstacle to reform. During his inspection of Tianjin on September 20, 1978,Deng Xiaoping made it clear that some people should get rich first. In areas with the suitable conditions, people were encouraged to earn more through honest work and business.