Abstract:The capital city is the regional politi cal entity that carries the functions of the center of state power of the country.The functional orientation and the management of the construction of the capital city is an important content of the politi cal life of the country,as well as an important constitutional and legal issue.Today,the capital functional orientation of Beijing,after over 60 years of evolution and expansion since the founding of the People's Republic of China,has been established as the politi cal center,the cultural center,the international exchange center and the scientific and technologi cal innovation centre of China,with functions non-essential to Beijing's role as the capital city being relocated and incorporated into the plan for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.This report,drawing on the experiences of capital legislation of such countries as Japan,South Korea,US,Canada and Australia and basing on the reality and practice of coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,puts forward the concept of“the capital circle”,which has broader coverage than the concept of“the capital economic circle”,carries out research on the institutional setup and related competences and responsibilities of“the capital circle”from the perspectives of the s cale of urban development,the functional orientation and the lay out of the capital city,expounds and analyzes the role and mechanism of legislative guarantee in the functional orientation and the realization of the functions of the capital city,and puts forward a legislative framework conducive to the realization of capital functions of Beijing and the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region from the perspective of three subjects or levels of legislation,namely national legislation,capital legislation and lo cal legislation.The report proposes that China incorporate the legislation on the coordinated development of the Beijing-TianjinHebei region into the“law on the administration of the capital circle”in the capital legislative system and the content of the urban planning for Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei into relevant legislation,providing for such matters as the administrative division of the capital,the concept and geographic scope of the capital circle,the main objectives of the construction of the capital circle,the planning for the management of the capital circle,as well as the institutional mechanism,organizational structure,competences and responsibilities,and operational procedure of the management of the capital city,so as to guarantee through legislation the realization of capital functions and the orderly relocation of functions non-essential to Beijing's role as the capital city.
Key Words:functions of the capital city,capital legislation,the capital circle,the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,coordinated legislation