叶家柏 肖皓[2]
关键词:出口技术复杂度 产业结构升级 基础设施 动态空间杜宾模型
中图分类号:F427.1 文献标识码:A
From the Angle of Spatial Spillover Infrastructure and Export Sophistication
—An Theory and Empirical Study Based on Dynamic Spatial Durbin Panel Model
Ye Jiabai Xiao Hao
Abstract:The dilemma of upgrading industrial structure needs breaking urgently in China,and the technical characteristics of the country are difficult to reflect the characteristics of regional technology. Based on theoretical analysis,this thesis studies the influence of infrastructure on export sophistication,utilizing dynamic spatial Durbin model and Chinese provincial panel data ranging from 2002 to 2015. The empirical results are as follows:The export sophistication of every Chinese province decreases progressively from coastal to inland areas. The export sophistication shows a diffusion effect but not assemblage effect. Besides it has significantly “time inertia” effects. The coefficient of infrastructure is and significantly improves the export sophistication in each region. Besides,the spatial spillover effect of infrastructure contributes more to export sophistication than the direct effect does. Natural endowments have a significant inhibitory effect on the export sophistication. Although it’s possible to mitigate the inhibition of natural endowments through infrastructure,the positive coefficients of their interactions are not robust.
Keywords:Export Sophistication Upgrading of Industrial Structure Infrastructure Dynamic Spatial Durbin Model