[词语]to acknowledge the corn
to admit the corn
to confess the corn
[趣释]【经典喻指】 成语“承认玉米”(to acknowledge the corn)源自1828年美国国会一次激烈的辩论会。美国国会禁止各州粮食出口,在要求出口玉米的几个州中,有一个州的议员终于承认那些玉米实际上用于喂猪,并同意当作猪饲料出口。从此,在美国英语中,逐渐用“承认玉米”(to acknowledge the corn)喻指认错、承认事实、认输。
[运用]Your honour, I confess the corn, I was really drunk. 法官先生,我承认有错误,我当时酩酊大醉了。
When his error was proved, he had to acknowledge the corn. 当他们错误被证实时,他不得不认错。
Now that she has acknowledged the corn, we all forgive her this time. 她既然已经认错了,我们大家这一次就原谅她。
My dear father, I admit the corn. 我亲爱的爸爸,我错了。