Day 19 “上相”用英语怎么说呢?
A: Darby,I saw your new video.
D: Oh,did you like it?
A: Yes. But I think you look better in real life.
D: Ugh,I know. It's so annoying. I'm not photogenic at all.
A: Well,I am.
D: Shut up!
“Photogenic” is an adjective,an adjective to describe somebody who looks really good in pictures. Maybe in real life they don't even look that good but in pictures for some reason they look amazing.
Some people are not photogenic. They look really good in real life,like me. I'm pretty handsome.(Alex:Shut up!)But in pictures I don't look as good as I do in real life.
photogenic就是指的“非常上相的”。比如你的好朋友给你看ta的写真集,你就可以说:You are so photogenic!作为好朋友ta肯定说:那我真人不好看吗?
实际上大部分时间“You are photogenic.”都是用来夸赞别人的,夸别人非常上相,拍照片很好看。
OK,so for today's bonus we are gonna teach you a really interesting and very very local expression. We say:“The camera adds ten pounds.”
You might realize this too. In pictures sometimes you look fatter than you do in real life. I don't know why. For example,Alex and I have been going to the gym for two hours every day. We are really thinner than we were before,but people will still say,“你们胖了吗?”
OK,the camera adds ten pounds.虽然我们已经经常去健身了,但是当在视频里出现的时候,还是会显得很胖。视频不同于拍照,照片可以用软件修一下脸,视频没有办法修,这让我们感到很苦恼。“The camera adds ten pounds.”的意思就是“镜头会让你的脸显得你胖十磅”。