Learning Bitcoin


I would like to first thank Tyler Love, a close friend from my hometown in California. I clearly remember the day, back in early 2011, when he sent me an instant message about Bitcoin. It has been an amazing journey since that day, and has been ever so rewarding.

I'm very thankful to my good friends at Epicenter Bitcoin, Sebastien Couture and Brian Fabian Crain, as they were the ones who introduced me to the publisher of Learning Bitcoin. In addition, I would like to thank all my friends in and around the Bitcoin space.

The editorial staff at Packt Publishing has been very supportive and helpful in making this book project a reality. I would like to thank Tushar Gupta for getting me into the right headspace to write, Natasha DSouza for her encouragement, Dharmesh Parmar for his guidance towards delivery, and Namrata Patil for her attention to the editorial details. I especially would like to thank the technical reviewers of the book: Francesco Canessa, Jose Celano, and John Jegutanis.

I have all my family and friends from my childhood on the farm to thank for all the opportunities I have had in life. I am thankful for my father's patience as he taught me electronics, and my mother's support as she took me to Radio Shack countless times to purchase packets of transistors and diodes. Ultimately, it was the TRS-80 computer that they gave me that set the course for my life.

I would like to mention Atelier Meraki located in my neighborhood in Paris. While writing this book, I spent many late nights working there. The word "Meraki" in Greek means to put your love, soul, and creativity into your work. That motto has been an inspiration for this project. I would like to thank Sherif Sy and Marie-Charlotte Moreau for all their hard work in making the space a wonderful place to work.

I would like to thank my Buddhist teachers and friends for helping me work with the best state of mind. More and more, I find that happiness comes from the simplest of lessons. Thank you.

Mais surtout, je tiens à remercier mon épouse Cécile pour toute son aide et son soutien alors que j'ai sauté la tête la première dans le Bitcoin. À l'époque, cela pouvait sembler une idée folle mais elle m'a toujours été derrière moi. C'est grâce à elle que j'ai écrit ce livre.