Hands-On Full Stack Development with Spring Boot 2.0  and React

Basics of REST

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for creating web services. REST is not standard, but it defines a set of constraints defined by Roy Fielding. The six constraints are the following:

  • Stateless: The server doesn't hold any information about the client state.
  • Client server: The client and server act independently. The server does not send any information without a request from the client.
  • Cacheable: Many clients often request the same resources, therefore it is useful to cache responses in order to improve performance.
  • Uniform interface: Requests from different clients look the same. Clients may be, for example, a browser, a Java application, and a mobile application.
  • Layered system: REST allows us to use a layered system architecture.
  • Code on demand: This is an optional constraint.

The uniform interface is an important constraint and it defines that every REST architecture should have following elements:

  • Identification of resources: There are resources with their unique identifiers, for example, URIs in web-based REST services. REST resources should expose easily understood directory structure URIs. Therefore, a good resource naming strategy is very important.
  • Resource manipulation through representation: When making a request to a resource, the server responds with a representation of the resource. Typically, the format of the representation is JSON or XML.
  • Self descriptive messages: Messages should have enough information that the server knows how to process them.
  • Hypermedia and the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS): Responses can contain links to other areas of service.

The RESTful web service that we are going to develop in the following topics follows the REST architectural principles.