About the reviewers
Anil Omanwar has a dynamic personality with a great passion for the latest technology trends and research. He has over 13 years of experience in researching cognitive computing, while NLP, machine learning, information visualization, and text analytics are just a few of his areas of research interest. He is proficient in sentiment analysis, questionnaire-based feedback, text clustering, and phrase extraction in diverse domains such as banking, oil and gas, life sciences, manufacturing, and retail. He currently works for IBM Australia as a data science platform specialist, developing and delivering cognitive, AI-enabled platforms and solutions for businesses. He holds multiple patents on emerging technologies, including NLP automation and device intelligence.
Pouya Jamshidiat is an award-winning product leader and strategist in AI, fintech, and life sciences. He is a featured speaker at Product School and co-author of The AI Book. He is the founder of Pioneer Minds Ltd. Previously, he worked with the Lloyds Banking Group as a senior product owner on the application of AI in various sectors of the bank. He introduced the most advanced search and knowledge management technologies to the Lloyds Banking Group. He has worked for IBM as a senior product design consultant and as a senior product owner at Monitise. He has designed mobile banking and commerce value propositions. Recently, Pouya made the move to the life sciences sector, joining Eagle Genomics to help them apply AI to solve the big challenges facing scientists.