4.2 Equipment Foundation
4.2.1 Prior to equipment installation,the foundation shall be subject to hand-over and acceptance.The equipment foundation which is not subject to hand-over and inspection shall not be used for equipment installation.The hand-over and acceptance of equipment shall meet the following requirements:
1 The hand-over data shall be complete.The test record for foundation concrete block shall be checked and the foundation strength shall comply with the requirement of the design technical document.
2 The coordinate,elevation and dimension of the foundation shall be inspected.The coordination and elevation of anchor bolts shall all meet related requirements of the design technical document and the current national standard General Code for Construction and Acceptance of Mechanical Equipment Installation Engineering(GB 50231).
3 The laitance,greasy dirt,broken stones,soil and water shall be completely removed from the foundation surface and the preformed holes for anchor bolts.
4 The embedded anchor bolts shall be free of damage and protected with grease on its thread.