4.2 Division of Construction Quality Acceptance Range and General Tables
4.2.1 The construction quality acceptance shall be conducted by batch,subentry project,subsection and subsystem;the division of quality acceptance range shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.2.1.
Table 4.2.1 Construction quality acceptance range division table

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

Table 4.2.1(Continued)

4.2.2 The construction management conditions of subsystem shall be inspected during the construction and acceptance of subsystem and the inspection results shall be filled in Table 4.2.2.
Table 4.2.2 Record of inspection for construction management of subsystem( )

4.2.3 The information listed in Table 4.2.3 shall be examined for the subsystem acceptance;the examining results shall be complete and meet the requirements of records management.
Table 4.2.3 Check table of quality control documents of subsystem( )

4.2.4 The advice notes for engineering design alteration,material substitution and altered design shall be numbered,registered and attached on the registration form.The registration of engineering design alteration and material substitution in subsystem shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.2.4.
Table 4.2.4 Registration form of advice notes for design alteration and materials substitutes of subsystem( )

4.2.5 The factory test reports and the quality certificate documents of equipment and material shall be numbered,registered and attached on the registration form.The registration of equipment and material factory test report and quality certificate documents of subsystem shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.2.5.
Table 4.2.5 Registration form of equipment and material factory test report and quality certificate document in subsystem( )

4.2.6 Any equipment defect shall be inspected and confirmed by the construction contractor,supervisor,supplier and owner together and the advice note of equipment defect shall be filled in.The filling of equipment defect advice note shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.2.6.
Table 4.2.6 Advice note of equipment defect

4.2.7 After the equipment defect treatment,the defect treatment organization shall submit the report to the owner,and the owner shall organize the organizations concerned to conduct inspection and acceptance and sign the equipment defect treatment report.The filling of the equipment defect reports shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.2.7.
Table 4.2.7 Equipment defect treatment report

4.2.8 The measurement tools used in the construction must be inspected,and used within the calibration validity period.All measurement tools used in the construction procedure shall be registered according to the requirements specified in Table 4.2.8.The supervision engineer shall conduct the inspection and confirmation(approval)for the measurement tools registered in the table.
Table 4.2.8 Registration form of measurement tools used in subsystem( )

4.2.9 The construction quality of batches shall be inspected and accepted according to the quality criteria of the inspection items,and the acceptance table for acceptance table of batch shall be filled.No"Dominant"in column"nature"means"general"according to the requirements specified in Table 4.2.1.For the items outside of the acceptance range,the acceptance organization column shall be filled with"/".The construction quality acceptance of batches shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.2.9.
Table 4.2.9 construction quality acceptance table of batch( )

4.2.10 The construction quality of subitem shall be inspected according to those specified in Table 4.2.10 and the construction quality acceptance table of subitem shall be filled in.According to construction quality acceptance range division table 4.2.1,no"Dominant"in"nature"column represents"general"and for the items outside of the acceptance range,the acceptance organization column shall be filled with"/".
Table 4.2.10 Construction quality acceptance table of subitem( )

4.2.11 The construction quality of subsections shall be inspected and accepted according to the requirements of Table 4.2.11,and the acceptance table for acceptance table of batch shall be filled.No"Dominant"in column"nature"means"general"according to the requirements specified in Table 4.2.1.For the items outside of the acceptance range,the acceptance organization column shall be filled with"/".
Table 4.2.11 Construction quality acceptance table of subsection( )

4.2.12 The construction quality of subsystems shall be inspected and accepted according to the requirements of Table 4.2.11,and the acceptance table for acceptance table of batch shall be filled.No"Dominant"in column"nature"means"general"according to the requirements specified in Table 4.2.1.For the items outside of the acceptance range,the acceptance organization column shall be filled with"/".
Table 4.2.12 Construction quality acceptance table of subsystem( )

4.2.13 The inspection table for compulsory provision implementations in subsection shall be inspected according to the inspection items listed in Table 4.2.13.
Table 4.2.13 Check table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection