7.2 Coal Unloading Facilities
7.2.1 When incoming coal is transported by two and more modes for fossil fired power plants,the capacity of coal unloading facilities for each transportation mode shall be determined according to the proportion of transported coal with a certain margin reserved.
7.2.2 The unloading facilities for coal transported by railway shall be designed in accordance with the following requirements:
1 When incoming coal is transported by railway,the capacity of the coal unloading facilities shall be determined according to the daily maximum incoming coal tons transported by railway and the conditions of incoming trains.Under normal conditions,it should not take more than 4 hours from the train entering the power plant and stopping in place to completion of unloading.In extremely cold regions,the unloading coal time may be extended appropriately.
2 The number of wagons entering the power plant each time shall be determined according to the tractive tonnage on special railway line leading to the power plant.For large-scale fossil fired power plants,the design should consider that a whole train enters the power plant.When it is impossible for a whole train to enter the power plant,the train may be separated subject to the approval from the railway department.
3 The coal unloading facilities for railway transportation shall meet the requirements of unloading 60-ton and 70-ton wagons.
When there are 80-ton wagons traveling on the railway lines that pass through the fossil fired power plant,the coal unloading facilities shall meet the requirements of unloading 80-ton wagons.
4 The coal unloading capacity of coal unloading facilities intended for railway transportation shall be calculated based on 60-ton wagons and the subsequent output capacity shall be calculated based on 70-ton wagons.If there are 80-ton wagons traveling on the railway lines that pass through the fossil fired power plant,the output capacity of the coal unloading facilities shall be calculated based on 70-ton wagons for trains consisting of wagons with mixed tonnage,and shall be calculated based on 80-ton wagons for trains only consisting of 80-ton wagons.
5 When incoming coal is transported by self-unloading hopper wagons,the type and size of slot type coal unloading trench shall be determined according to the daily maximum incoming coal tons transported by railway,number of wagons entering the power plant each time and unloading site conditions.
6 Wagon tipper should be considered for unloading coal transported by ordinary open wagons.The coal unloading facility composed of screw car unloader and slot type coal trench may be used if the daily maximum incoming coal amount transported by railway is less than 6000 tons.
7 The slot type coal unloading trench should have an effective length commensurate with the length of grouped wagons entering the power plant each time.For slot type coal unloading trench,self-owned shunting system should be used;when unavailable,wagon dispatching machinery shall be provided.
8 The type,arrangement mode and quantity of wagon tipper shall be determined according to the construction scale of current phase,planned unit capacity,incoming railway conditions,and site conditions.If only one tipper is provided at the early stage,the key parts of tipper and the shunting system shall be provided with one set of spare parts.
9 For fossil fired power plants built in extremely cold regions,unfrozen coal containing high surface moisture shall be avoided to be loaded into wagons in winter.Unfreezing facilities should not be provided in the power plant.
7.2.3 The unloading facilities for coal transported by waterway shall be designed in accordance with the following requirements:
1 If coal is transported by waterway,the coal unloading wharf for sole use by fossil fired power plants shall be designed in accordance with the current national standard JTJ 211 Design Code of General Layout for Sea Port and GB 50192 Code for Design of River Port Engineering.
2 The berth class,berth quantity and the type,output,quantity,and auxiliary equipment of unloading machineries shall be determined according to the annual coal consumption,navigable channel conditions,ship types,meteorological conditions,fuel characteristics,and berthing time regulated by the shipping sector.
3 The quantity of coal unloading machineries owned by fossil fired power plants should not be less than two.
4 Bridge,clamshell and rope pulling type ship unloaders should be used at larger wharfs.
5 Self-unloading ship system may be used for if condition permits.
7.2.4 The unloading facilities for coal transported by roadway shall be designed in accordance with the following requirements:
1 When coal is transported partially or totally by roadway,the type and tonnage of trucks shall be determined according to the local transportation capability and highway conditions.Dumping trucks should be adopted preferably.
2 Appropriately sized coal receiving station shall be built in the power plant according to annual incoming coal tons transported by trucks.
3 If the annual incoming coal tons transported by trucks is less than 60×104tons,the coal receiving station may be provided with coal receiving hoppers or slot type coal unloading trench.
4 If the annual incoming coal tons transported by trucks is 60×104tons and above,the coal receiving station should be provided with slot type coal unloading trench.
5 If coal is transported by trucks other than dumping trucks,the coal receiving station shall be provided with truck unloading machineries.