11. ... feel Iike a million dollars. ……感觉好极了。
— How about your trip to Hawaii?
— I swam in the sea every day and I felt Iike a million dollars. What's more, I learned to surf.
— My mother has promised me to take me there next summer vacation. I can't wait to go there.
— Hawaii deserves indeed a trip, but you'd better go in the winter holiday.
— 你在夏威夷的旅行怎么样?
— 每天在海里游泳,我感到非常愉快。还有,我学会了冲浪。
— 我妈妈答应我明年暑假带我去那里。我已经等不及要去了。
— 夏威夷的确值得游玩,但是你最好寒假的时候去。
... feel like a million dollars.此句型是比喻句型,用来比喻高兴、愉悦的心情。like在此处是介词而不是动词和副词,其引导的介词短语在该句型中作表语。
• Being informed of the promotion, he felt Iike a million dollars.被通知升职了,他非常高兴。
• Having a steady job, she feels Iike a million dollars.拥有一份稳定的工作,她感觉好极了。
• I found the book I had always wanted, and I felt Iike a million dollars.我找到了一直想要的书,感觉好极了。
vacation [vəˈkeɪʃn] n.假期
deserve [dɪˈzɜ:v] v.值得,应得
steady [ˈstedɪ] a.稳定的,安稳的