第一章 35天计划——1400个托福核心词汇
Day 1
1. private adj. individual 私人的,个人的
2. operative adj. effective 有效的
3. regain v. recover 恢复
4. vigorous adj. active 积极的
5. turbulent adj. agitated 焦虑的
6. principal adj. chief 主要的
7. diversity n. variety 多样化
8. indigenous adj. native 本土的,土著的
9. conclusive adj. definitive 决定性的
10. current adj. modern 现代的,流行的
11. tangled adj. complicated 复杂的
12. survey v. examine 调查
13. stingy adj. parsimonious 吝啬的,小气的
14. analogous adj. comparable 类似的
15. arduous adj. (1)difficult 艰难的
(2)diligent 勤奋的
16. astounding adj. incredible 惊人的
17. faint adj. dim 模糊的
18. treat v. handle 对待
19. radical adj. drastic 激进的,极端的
20. oral adj. verbal 口头的
21. abuse v. maltreat 虐待,滥用
22. orchestrate v. coordinate 协调
23. imitate v. mimic 模仿
24. distinguished adj. notable 著名的,显著的
25. uncertain adj. obscure 不清楚的,不确定的
26. discrete adj. separate 分离的
27. discreet adj. careful 小心的,谨慎的
28. intact adj. unaffected 未改变的
29. duplicate v. copy 复制
30. invent v. devise 发明
31. precarious adj. dangerous 危险的
32. partial adj. incomplete 不完整的
33. critical adj. crucial 至关重要的,关键的
34. provided that conj. as long as, if 如果
35. accomplish v. attain 完成,实现
36. account for(1)cause 导致
(2)explain 解释
37. bulk n. large quantity 大批,大量
38. endless adj. limitless 无限的
39. prophesy v. foretell 预言
40. discourage v. dishearten 使沮丧,使气馁
<Practice 1>
1. turbulent
2. stingy
3. oral
4. radical
5. arduous
<Matching Test 1>
1. account for (A)incomplete
2. discrete (B)foretell
3. discreet (C)careful
4. partial (D)unaffected
5. prophesy (E)cause
6. endless (F)crucial
7. critical (G)separate
8. intact (H)limitless
Practice 1.(B)2.(A)3.(C)4.(B) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(E)2.(G)3.(C)4.(A) 5.(B)6.(H)7.(F)8.(D)
Day 2
1. preoccupation n. concern 盘算,思虑,担忧
2. coupled with phr. combined with 与……结合
3. autonomy n. independence 独立,自主
4. deficiency n. shortage 缺少,不足
5. emerging adj. appearing 新兴的,发展初期的
6. monumental adj. enormous 巨大的,不朽的
7. manipulated adj. skillfully used 熟练操作的
8. pursue v. practice 执行,贯彻,追究
9. subsistence n. survival 生存,生计,维持生活
10. ponder v. think about 考虑,深思
11. fundamental adj. basic 基本的,基础的
12. mandated adj. required 被托管的,必需的
13. promote v. encourage 促进,提升
14. signify v. indicate 表示,显示
15. subtle adj. unobvious 含蓄的,隐晦的
16. burgeoning adj. increasing 迅速增长的
17. practise v. engage in 从事,忙于
18. lucrative adj. profitable 有利可图的,赚钱的
19. vacate v. empty 空出,腾出
20. vigorous adj. energetic 精力充沛的
21. stance n. posture 姿势,仪态,立场
22. in response to phr. as a result of 结果,由于
23. indispensible adj. essential 必需的,不可或缺的
24. likewise adv. similarly 同样地,类似地
25. hence adv. therefore 因此
26. hasten v. speed up 加速,急忙
27. immense adj. huge 巨大的
28. end n. purpose 目的
29. facilitate v. promote 促进,帮助
30. divert v. redirect 改变……的方向(用途)
31. complexity n. sophistication 复杂
32. surplus adj. extra 剩余的,多余的
33. uniformly adv. consistently 一致地
34. collate v. assemble 核对,整理
35. anticipate v. predict 预期,预料
36. discard v. abandon 抛弃,丢弃
37. explicit adj. specific 明确的,清楚的
38. inexplicably adv. mysteriously 神秘地,难以理解地
39. modest adj. reasonable 适度的,合理的
40. proponent n. supporter 支持者,拥护者
<Practice 2>
1. emerging
2. monumental
3. preoccupation
4. lucrative
5. proponent
<Matching Test 2>
1. hasten (A)sophistication
2. complexity (B)required
3. explicit (C)mysteriously
4. deficiency (D)speed up
5. inexplicably (E)increasing
6. mandated (F)shortage
7. anticipate (G)specific
8. burgeoning (H)predict
Practice 1.(A)2.(A)3.(B)4.(C) 5.(B)
Matching 1.(D)2.(A)3.(G)4.(F) 5.(C)6.(B)7.(H)8.(E)
Day 3
1. assume v. take on 呈现
2. decipher v. figure out 解读,弄明白,算出
3. initiate v. begin 开始
4. highlight v. emphasize 强调
5. justifiable adj. rightful 正当的
6. mundane adj. ordinary 平凡的
7. reinforce v. strengthen 加强,加固
8. abruptly adv. suddenly 突然地
9. dismiss v. reject 解雇,丢弃
10. implement v. carry out 实施,执行
11. modify v. change 更改
12. perish v. die 死亡
13. relatively adv. comparatively 相对地,比较地
14. sentimental adj. emotional 感情上的,多愁善感的
15. remote adj. distant 遥远的
16. acute adj. severe 严重的
17. cluster n. group 群,组
18. courteous adj. polite 有礼貌的
19. exploit v. make use of 利用
20. eradicate v. remove 清除
21. ingenuity n. inventiveness 创造性
22. impede v. restrict 限制,阻碍
23. magnitude n. extent 大小,长度
24. pragmatic adj. practical 实际的,务实的
25. exclude v. rule out 排除,排斥,阻止
26. shrinkage n. reduction 减少
27. region n. area 地区
28. intentional adj. planned 有计划的
29. culmination n. end 顶点,终点,结果
30. integrate v. combine 结合
31. obstruction n. barrier 障碍,阻碍
32. rudimentary adj. elementary 基本的,初级的
33. trigger v. start 引起,使发生
34. successive adj. following 连续的
35. adapt v. adjust 调整,使适合
36. match v. correspond to符合,相当
37. extend v. lengthen 延长,加长
38. expend v. use 花费,耗费
39. ornamented adj. decorated 装饰的,修饰的
40. massively adv. extensively 大量地
<Practice 3>
1. modify
2. reinforce
3. eradicate
4. dismiss
5. pragmatic
<Matching Test 3>
1. impede (A)make use of
2. perish (B)carry out
3. exploit (C)elementary
4. successive (D)following
5. abruptly (E)restrict
6. implement (F)suddenly
7. extend (G)die
8. rudimentary (H)lengthen
Practice 1.(B)2.(B)3.(C)4.(C) 5.(B)
Matching 1.(E)2.(G)3.(A)4.(D) 5.(F)6.(B)7.(H)8.(C)
Day 4
1. inspiring adj. striking 鼓舞人心的
2. optimal adj. ideal 最佳的,理想的
3. straightforward adj. simple 简单的,易懂的
4. supplement v. add 增加,补充
5. typify v. characterize 具有……的特征
6. systematically adv. methodically 有系统地,有条理地
7. quantify v. calculate 计量,计算
8. mount v. grow 增加,增长
9. innumerable adj. countless 无数的,数不清的
10. ensure v. guarantee 保证,确保
11. ardent adj. enthusiastic 热情的,热心的
12. compelling adj. (1) convincing 令人信服的
(2) persuasive 有说服力的
13. baffle v. puzzle 使困惑
14. decisive adj. determining 决定性的
15. fleeting adj. brief 短暂的
16. episode adj. occurrence 事件,发生的事
17. implement n. tool 工具
18. lethal adj. deadly 致命的
19. peculiar adj. unusual 罕见的,独特的
20. counterparts n. equivalents 极相似的人(物),等值物
21. suffice v. be enough 足够
22. thereby adv. consequently 因此
23. renewed adj. restored 精力恢复的,重新振作的
24. prerequisite n. premise 前提
25. immense adj. huge 巨大的
26. gross adj. overall 总的,全部的
27. distortion n. irregularity 变形,不整齐,不规律
28. alter v. change 改变,更改
29. exceedingly adv. extremely 非常,极其
30. adverse adj. harmful 不利的,有害的
31. emit v. release 释放,放出
32. indefinitely adv. endlessly 无限地
33. motive n. reason 动机
34. startle v. surprise 使……吃惊,吓……一跳
35. uniformly adv. consistently 一致地
36. skepticism n. doubt 怀疑
37. divulge v. reveal 显露,揭露
38. pose v. present 引起,造成
39. heighten v. raise 增加,提高
40. duty n. responsibility 责任,义务
<Practice 4>
1. implement
2. compelling
3. supplement
4. peculiar
5. duty
<Matching Test 4>
1. skepticism (A)surprise
2. startle (B)huge
3. indefinitely (C)doubt
4. thereby (D)present
5. immense (E)methodically
6. divulge (F)endlessly
7. pose (G)consequently
8. systematically (H)reveal
Practice 1.(B)2.(C)3.(B)4.(A) 5.(C)
Matching 1.(C)2.(A)3.(F)4.(G) 5.(B)6.(H)7.(D)8.(E)
Day 5
1. goods n. merchandise 商品
2. discord n. disagreement 分歧,争论
3. behold vt. observe 观察
4. scrupulously adv. carefully 小心地,谨慎地
5. chance adj. accidental 偶然的
6. perspective n. viewpoint 角度,观点,看法
7. ban v. forbid 禁止,阻止
8. outgrowth n. result 结果
9. noted adj. renowned 著名的
10. emphasize v. underscore 强调
11. minuscule adj. tiny 极小的,微小的
12. respond to phr. react to 响应,反应
13. pertinent adj. relevant 相关的,有关的
14. notwithstanding prep. despite 尽管
15. allure v. attract 吸引
16. meager adj. deficient 缺乏的,不足的
17. attain v. achieve 实现,达到
18. expertise n. proficiency 专长,精通
19. haphazard adj. disorderly 混乱的,杂乱的
20. meandering adj. winding 曲折的,弯曲的
21. context n. framework 结构
22. supervise v. oversee 监督
23. bizarre adj. peculiar 奇怪的,怪异的
24. hybrid n. fusion 融合物,混合物
25. crude adj. unrefined 粗俗的
26. unstable adj. uneven 不平衡的,不稳固的
27. exorbitant adj. excessive 过度的
28. roughly adv. more or less 相关地,相对地
29. likeness n. similarity 相似
30. obstruct v. hinder 妨碍,阻碍
31. infirm adj. weak 体弱多病的
32. demonstration n. presentation 展示,示范
33. scan v. scrutinize 细看,细读
34. antipathy n. opposition 反对,敌对
35. transition n. change 变化,转变
36. landslide n. triumph 压倒性优势的胜利
37. rich adj. fertile 肥沃的
38. demise n. end 终结,结束
39. endorsement n. authorization 认可,许可
40. regularly adv. routinely 例行地
<Practice 5>
1. pertinent
2. goods
3. minuscule
4. outgrowth
5. infirm
<Matching Test 5>
1. demonstration (A)unrefined
2. likeness (B)presentation
3. landslide (C)oversee
4. crude (D)underscore
5. supervise (E)similarity
6. regularly (F)fertile
7. emphasize (G)triumph
8. rich (H)routinely
Practice 1.(B)2.(C)3.(A)4.(C) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(B)2.(E)3.(G)4.(A) 5.(C)6.(H)7.(D)8.(F)
Day 6
1. drastically adv. significantly 大幅度地,显著地
2. essential adj. principal 首要的,最重要的
3. congregate v. gather 聚集
4. akin to phr. similar to 类似的,相似的
5. prosperity n. wealth 繁荣,富有
6. still adj. motionless 静止的
7. adhesive adj. sticky 黏的
8. merely adv. only 仅仅,只是
9. ongoing adj. continuing 不间断的
10. hollow adj. empty 空的
11. inadvertently adv. unintentionally 无意地,不经意地
12. fluctuation n. variation 变动,变化
13. configuration n. arrangement 编排,布置
14. advantageous adj. beneficial 有益的,有利的
15. dense adj. thick 稠密的,茂密的,密集的
16. controversy n. debate 争论,辩论
17. wrought adj. created 造成的
18. permeate v. spread throughout 渗透,渗入
19. seek v. look for 寻找,寻求
20. thoroughly adv. carefully 仔细地
21. compile v. put together 汇编,整理
22. aptitude n. ability 能力
23. dispersal n. distribution 分散,分布
24. address v. deal with 处理
25. fragment n. piece 碎片
26. embrace v. accept 接受
27. indiscriminate adj. random 任意的,随意的
28. predominantly adv. mainly 主要地
29. emanate from phr. originate from 发源于
30. coalesce v. joint 接合
31. inevitable adj. unavoidable 不可避免的,必然的
32. perplexing adj. puzzling 令人困惑的
33. sculpt n. shape 模型
34. constrain v. force 强迫
35. eventually adv. finally 最终
36. invariably adv. always 总是
37. maintain v. claim 主张
38. resistance n. opposition 抵制,抵抗,反对
39. stance n. posture 态度,立场
40. intimately adv. closely 亲密地,亲近地
<Practice 6>
1. essential
2. controversy
3. thoroughly
4. inadvertently
5. perplexing
<Matching Test 6>
1. predominantly (A)always
2. invariably (B)claim
3. indiscriminate (C)piece
4. maintain (D)distribution
5. coalesce (E)mainly
6. fragment (F)ability
7. aptitude (G)random
8. dispersal (H)joint
Practice 1.(A)2.(A)3.(C)4.(B) 5.(C)
Matching 1.(E)2.(A)3.(G)4.(B) 5.(H)6.(C)7.(F)8.(D)
Day 7
1. attest to phr. provide evidence of 证明,证实
2. configuration n. arrangement 布置,布局
3. intrinsic adj. inherent 固有的
4. simultaneously adv. at the same time 同时地
5. sparse adj. scarce 稀少的
6. sparsely adv. thinly 稀疏地
7. advent n. arrival 到来
8. seldom adv. rarely 很少,难得
9. substantial adj. considerable 大量的,多的
10. duration n. length 时间长度,持续时间
11. disrupt v. destroy 破坏
12. retain v. keep 保留
13. exclude v. keep out 阻止……进入
14. unprecedented adj. never happened previously 前所未有的,史无前例的
15. anonymous adj. unidentified 匿名的
16. exhibit v. display 展览
17. emergence n. rise 兴起,出现
18. tactic n. strategy 策略,战略
19. exercise v. apply 运用
20. culmination n. high point 顶点,最佳状态
21. appreciation n. understanding 理解,明白
22. respectively adv. in the order presented各自地,分别地
23. distinctive adj. characteristic 独特的
24. oblige v. force 迫使,强迫
25. inhospitable adj. unfriendly 不友好的
26. unpromising adj. unfavorable 不顺利的
27. embody v. incorporate 体现
28. copious adj. abundant 丰富的
29. comprehensive adj. complete 彻底的
30. fluid adj. liquid 液体的,流动的
31. identifiable adj. recognizable 可辨认的,可识别的
32. ingestion n. swallowing 咽下
33. inherent adj. built-in 固有的
34. verify v. confirm 证明,证实
35. vanish v. disappear 消失
36. admirably adv. very well 极好地
37. durable adj. long-lasting 持久的
38. unrivaled adj. unequaled 无与伦比的,无敌的
39. feature n. aspect 容貌,外貌
40. ascend v. go up 上升,攀登
<Practice 7>
1. intrinsic
2. exercise
3. tactic
4. seldom
5. configuration
<Matching Test 7>
1. verify (A)characteristic
2. inhospitable (B)aspect
3. feature (C)confirm
4. ascend (D)unfriendly
5. comprehensive (E)force
6. copious (F)go up
7. distinctive (G)abundant
8. oblige (H)complete
Practice 1.(C)2.(A)3.(B)4.(A)5.(B)
Matching 1.(C)2.(D)3.(B)4.(F) 5.(H)6.(G)7.(A)8.(E)
Day 8
1. converge on phr. meet at 聚集,聚会
2. insure v. guarantee 确保,保证
3. spurt n. sudden increase 突然增加,迸发
4. pervasive adj. widespread 普遍的
5. accelerated adj. faster 加快的,加速的
6. scenario n. version of events 方案,设想
7. retrospect n. reconsidering the past 回忆,回顾
8. collapse v. fall inward 倒塌
9. deterioration n. worse condition 恶化
10. justification n. good reason 正当的理由
11. vocation n. occupation 职业
12. marvelous adj. wonderful 极好的,绝妙的,了不起的
13. resolve v. settle 解决
14. precious adj. expensive 昂贵的
15. impulse to phr. push forward 推进
16. painstaking adj. laborious 辛勤的
17. work v. create 造成
18. exclusively adv. solely 仅仅,唯独
19. momentum n. push 力量
20. quantify v. calculate 量化,计量
21. adopt v. start to use 采用
22. might n. strength 力量,威力
23. exquisitely adv. perfectly 完美地
24. abandoned adj. left 废弃的,被遗弃的
25. further adj. additional 附加的
26. confirm v. prove 证实,证明
27. mask v. hide 隐藏,掩盖
28. rudimentary adj. primitive 简陋的
29. function n. role 功能,作用
30. readily adv. quickly 快速地
31. reserving adj. saving 保存的,储备的
32. depleting adj. exhausting 用尽的,耗尽的
33. acute adj. critical 严重的
34. flexible adj. variable 易变的,可变通的
35. composed adj. comprised 组成的
36. visible adj. evident 明显的
37. discernible adj. perceptible 可识别的
38. subsequently adv. later 后来,随后
39. subject to phr. susceptible to 易受……影响的
40. strewn adj. scattered 散落的
<Practice 8>
1. work
2. painstaking
3. pervasive
4. insure
5. quantify
<Matching Test 8>
1. might (A)strength
2. further (B)comprised
3. composed (C)scattered
4. acute (D)role
5. strewn (E)additional
6. reserving (F)perfectly
7. function (G)saving
8. exquisitely (H)critical
Practice 1.(A)2.(A)3.(C)4.(B) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(A)2.(E)3.(B)4.(H) 5.(C)6.(G)7.(D)8.(F)
Day 9
1. suppressed adj. arrested 抑制的
2. foster v. promote 促进
3. subsist v. endure 生存
4. handle v. cope with 处理
5. dispersal n. distribution 散布,分布
6. prominence n. prestige 声望
7. outset n. start 开始,开端
8. provoke v. instigate 煽动
9. manifest adj. patent 明显的
10. colonize v. settle 在……建立殖民地
11. linger v. remain 留存
12. deter v. stop 使停止,阻止
13. constraint n. restriction 限制,约束,束缚
14. requisite adj. necessary 必需的
15. entice v. tempt 诱使
16. immense adj. enormous 巨大的
17. sole adj. only 仅有的
18. status n. position 地位
19. harness v. utilize 利用,使用
20. commonly adv. generally 一般地,通常地
21. determine v. figure out 断定
22. succession n. string 连续
23. deduce v. conclude 推断
24. emerge v. appear 出现,浮现
25. arid adj. barren 荒芜的,贫瘠的
26. sequence n. progression 一系列
27. apex n. acme 顶点
28. devour v. eat 猛吃,吞食
29. preclude v. prevent 阻止
30. overtake v. eclipse 超过,超越
31. efficiently adv. successfully 有效地
32. inexplicable adj. unexplainable 无法理解的
33. unravel v. figure out 理解
34. flaw n. shortcoming 缺点
35. surrender n. submission 投降
36. hostile adj. inimical 有敌意的,不利的
37. commodity n. item 商品
38. exceptional adj. extraordinary 异常的,不寻常的
39. notable adj. remarkable 显著的
40. conflict n. disagreement 分歧
<Practice 9>
1. provoke
2. colonize
3. suppressed
4. requisite
5. surrender
<Matching Test 9>
1. commodity (A)inimical
2. sequence (B)remarkable
3. hostile (C)conclude
4. preclude (D)eclipse
5. notable (E)position
6. status (F)item
7. overtake (G)progression
8. deduce (H)prevent
Practice 1.(B)2.(B)3.(A)4.(C) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(F)2.(G)3.(A)4.(H) 5.(B)6.(E)7.(D)8.(C)
Day 10
1. adroitness n. dexterity 熟练,机敏
2. inappropriate adj. improper 不合适的,不恰当的
3. thwarting adj. frustrating 令人沮丧的
4. confidence n. reliance 信赖
5. objective n. goal 目标,目的
6. exhaustive adj. thorough 全面的,详尽的
7. purview n. scope 范围,视界
8. bias n. prejudice 偏见
9. erroneously adv. incorrectly 错误地,不正确地
10. swampy adj. boggy 沼泽的
11. hide v. conceal 隐藏
12. medium n. material 媒介
13. fashion n. method 方法
14. eject v. push out 驱逐,赶出
15. aptly adv. appropriately 适宜地,适当地
16. compassion n. pity 同情,怜悯
17. quenched adj. cooled 冷却的
18. essential adj. fundamental 基本的
19. pertinent adj. relevant 相关的,有关的
20. succinct adj. concise 简明的
21. revise v. change 改变
22. hail v. support 拥护
23. vigorously adv. intensely 精力充沛地
24. adage n. proverb 格言,谚语
25. compelled adj. obligated 必要的,必须的
26. deception n. trick 骗局,诡计
27. insidious adj. deceitful 阴险的
28. hallmark n. sign 特点,印记
29. impair v. damage 损害
30. pressing adj. urgent 紧迫的
31. cohesion n. unity 联合,结合
32. consciously adv. purposely 自觉地
33. unadorned adj. plain 朴素的
34. atrophy n. degeneration 衰退,退化
35. coordinate v. organize 协调,组织
36. swarm v. gather 聚集
37. dearth n. lack 缺乏
38. candor n. honesty 坦诚
39. accoutrements n. baggage 装备
40. decorum n. respect 体面
<Practice 10>
1. aptly
2. purview
3. succinct
4. erroneously
5. cohesion
<Matching Test 10>
1. pressing (A)baggage
2. consciously (B)plain
3. compelled (C)purposely
4. insidious (D)intensely
5. accoutrements (E)organize
6. coordinate (F)obligated
7. unadorned (G)urgent
8. vigorously (H)deceitful
Practice 1.(A)2.(B)3.(C)4.(C) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(G)2.(C)3.(F)4.(H) 5.(A)6.(E)7.(B)8.(D)
Day 11
1. protest v. object to 抗议
2. salvaged adj. saved 获救的
3. patronizing adj. condescending 自命不凡的
4. interpret v. analyze 分析,说明
5. aim n. goal 目标,目的
6. regulate v. control 控制
7. clash v. battle over 发生冲突,因……而斗争
8. transformed adj. changed 改变的,变化的
9. dwindling adj. decreasing 减少的
10. reluctant adj. unwilling 不情愿的
11. dodge v. avoid 避开,避免
12. borne adj. supported 负荷的
13. feasible adj. practical 可行的
14. primary adj. main 主要的
15. unprecedented adj. extraordinary 新奇的
16. shady adj. unethical 不道德的,不正当的
17. venture n. project 项目
18. emerging adj. developing 发展中的
19. embedded adj. enclosed 植入的
20. incantation n. chant 咒语,圣歌
21. plummet v. fall sharply 骤然下降
22. spare v. save 节省
23. undistinguished adj. unproven 未显示的
24. neighboring adj. not very distant 附近的
25. persevere v. continue despite obstacles锲而不舍
26. disrupt v. thwart 妨碍,破坏
27. segregation n. separation into groups分开
28. intervention n. control 介入
29. dismantling adj. taking apart 解散
30. enactment n. enforcement 制定
31. banished adj. exiled 被驱逐的
32. ambition n. goal 志向
33. paving adj. preparing 准备的
34. submerged adj. under water 水下的
35. insulate v. trap warmth 隔热
36. denounced adj. condemned 被谴责的
37. vein n. tone 风格
38. extant adj. existing 现存的
39. agile adj. nimble 敏捷的
40. engender v. create, cause 引起
<Practice 11>
1. interpret
2. aim
3. regulate
4. embedded
5. transformed
<Matching Test 11>
1. plummet A. existing
2. disrupt B. fall sharply
3. engender C. trap warmth
4. extant D. under water
5. dismantling E. thwart
6. submerged F. nimble
7. insulate G. create
8. agile H. taking apart
Practice 1.(B)2.(B)3.(A)4.(C) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(B)2.(E)3.(G)4.(A) 5.(H)6.(D)7.(C)8.(F)
Day 12
1. debris n. remains 残骸
2. humiliate v. embarrass 使蒙羞,羞辱
3. monument n. memorial 纪念碑,纪念馆
4. persecution n. harassment 烦扰
5. concrete adj. definitive 具体的
6. proponent n. advocate 拥护者
7. abolition n. eradication 废除
8. assert v. claim 声称
9. tenacious adj. resolute 坚决的,果断的
10. unleash v. bring into use 引起
11. destined adj. fated 命中注定的
12. droves n. large numbers 人群
13. coveted adj. sought after 梦寐以求的
14. mobilize v. prepare for action 组织,调动
15. crippling adj. disabling 极有害的
16. fatigue n. tiredness 疲劳
17. impetus n. motivation 动力
18. distinction n. clear difference 区别
19. grapple v. wrestle 搏斗,扭打
20. ultimately adv. eventually 最后
21. consumption n. spending 消费
22. stimulus n. incentive 刺激
23. minimal adj. insufficient 不足的
24. conciliation n. agreement 调解
25. implementation n. execution 履行
26. volatile adj. explosive 爆炸性的
27. transcendental adj. spiritual 精神上的,心灵的
28. depict v. portray 描绘
29. ostensible adj. supposed 假定的
30. integrate v. unite 合并,结合
31. skeptical adj. unbelieving 怀疑的
32. arrayed adj. arranged 安排的
33. obscured adj. hidden 隐藏的
34. absent adj. lacking 缺乏的
35. asymmetrical adj. imbalanced 不平衡的,不均匀的
36. geared to phr. intended for 适合,适用
37. accumulation n. collection 积攒
38. saturated adj. soaked 湿透的
39. phenomena n. events 事件
40. extracted adj. obtained 获取的
<Practice 12>
1. unleash
(A)cut off
(B)bring into use
(C)narrow down
2. concrete
3. abolition
4. ultimately
5. persecution
<Matching Test 12>
1. arrayed (A)supposed
2. integrate (B)unite
3. asymmetrical (C)agreement
4. minimal (D)arranged
5. ostensible (E)explosive
6. accumulation (F)collection
7. volatile (G)imbalanced
8. conciliation (H)insufficient
Practice 1.(B)2.(A)3.(C)4.(B) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(D)2.(B)3.(G)4.(H) 5.(A)6.(F)7.(E)8.(C)
Day 13
1. sublime adj. noble 高尚的
2. evolve v. develop (逐步)发展
3. incipient adj. beginning 刚开始的
4. punctual adj. on time 准时的
5. inert adj. sluggish 呆滞的,迟缓的
6. altruism n. selflessness 无私
7. sediment n. residue 沉淀物
8. navigate v. sail 航行
9. utilitarian adj. efficient 有用的
10. abandon v. desert 抛弃,放弃
11. prevalent adj. commonplace 常见的
12. nocturnal adj. active during the night夜行的
13. hearten v. encourage 鼓励
14. reciprocal adj. mutual 相互的
15. artificial adj. synthetic 人造的
16. conspicuous adj. obvious, remarkable显著的
17. manipulate v. maneuver 操纵
18. productive adj. fertile 多产的
19. underlying adj. fundamental 基础的
20. sanitary adj. hygienic 卫生的
21. category n. class 种类
22. donation n. contribution 捐赠,捐献
23. dormant adj. inactive 休眠的
24. dominant adj. ruling 主要的,主导的
25. renowned adj. famous 著名的
26. steadfast adj. firm 坚定的
27. offset v. balance 抵消
28. occupant n. inhabitant 居民
29. postulate v. presuppose 假定
30. noxious adj. harmful 有害的
31. overwhelming adj. predominant 压倒性的
32. magnificence n. splendor 壮丽,豪华
33. confine v. restrict 限制
34. arbitrary adj. random 任意的,随意的
35. impediment n. obstacle 障碍
36. barely adv. scarcely 几乎不
37. pliable adj. flexible 易适应的,柔韧的
38. premise n. assumption 假设
39. outdo v. surpass 超过,胜过
40. enigma n. puzzle 谜
<Practice 13>
1. utilitarian
2. reciprocal
3. incipient
4. evolve
5. conspicuous
<Matching Test 13>
1. arbitrary (A)ruling
2. barely (B)firm
3. outdo (C)scarcely
4. dominant (D)class
5. steadfast (E)assumption
6. category (F)random
7. premise (G)presuppose
8. postulate (H)surpass
Practice 1.(A)2.(C)3.(C)4.(C) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(F)2.(C)3.(H)4.(A) 5.(B)6.(D)7.(E)8.(G)
Day 14
1. specified adj. stated 规定的
2. inviting adj. appealing 吸引人的
3. far-reaching adj. broad 广泛的
4. consequence n. result 结果,后果
5. endeavor v. strive 努力
6. allege v. assert 断言,宣称
7. beneath prep. underneath 在……下面
8. appraise v. assess 估价
9. irreparable adj. irreversible 不可挽回的
10. unsubstantiated adj. unconfirmed 未经证实的
11. ingenious adj. inventive 善于发明的
12. parch v. dry out 烘干
13. consummate adj. skilled 技艺高超的
14. depose v. overthrow 罢免,推翻
15. match n. competition 比赛
16. impartial adj. fair 公平的,公正的
17. steadily adv. progressively 逐步地
18. ward off phr. defend against 阻挡,防卫,防御
19. compulsive adj. compelling 强制的
20. deliberate adj.(1)careful 谨慎的
(2)intentional 故意的
21. eligible adj. qualified 合格的
22. expeditiously adv. speedily 迅速地
23. pursue v. chase 追求,追赶
24. trigger v. activate 引发,发动
25. curative adj. healing 有疗效的
26. disparaging adj. critical 批判的,抨击的
27. proven adj. established 被证实的
28. satiate v. fill 满足
29. foremost adj. primary 首要的
30. annoying adj. troublesome 令人烦恼的,讨厌的
31. degree n. extent 程度
32. grant v. award 授予
33. obediently adv. docilely 顺从地
34. unequivocally adv. explicitly 明确地,明白地
35. deleteriously adv. harmfully 有害地
36. breakdown n. analysis 分析,分解
37. manageable adj. governable 可支配的
38. prey n. victim 牺牲者
39. flourish v. prosper 繁荣
40. plausible adj. believable 合理的,可信的
<Practice 14>
1. steadily
2. irreparable
3. specified
4. deliberate
5. unsubstantiated
<Matching Test 14>
1. annoying (A)activate
2. prey (B)troublesome
3. degree (C)primary
4. flourish (D)victim
5. trigger (E)docilely
6. foremost (F)governable
7. obediently (G)extent
8. manageable (H)prosper
Practice 1.(C)2.(A)3.(B)4.(C) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(B)2.(D)3.(G)4.(H) 5.(A)6.(C)7.(E)8.(F)
Day 15
1. cease v. stop 停止
2. disperse v. scatter 分散
3. function n. purpose 用途
4. basically adv. in essence 基本上,本质上
5. feasible adj. practical 可行的
6. scale n. size 规模
7. advocate v. promote 提倡
8. foster v. encourage 促进,培养
9. frigid adj. cold 寒冷的
10. detect v. discover 发现,发觉
11. extensive adj. large 广泛的,深远的
12. explain v. account for 解释
13. furthermore: in addition 此外,另外
14. generate v. produce 产生
15. conducive to: favorable to 有利于
16. quest n. search 寻求,探索
17. exceptional adj. extraordinary 非凡的,杰出的
18. rigor n. difficulty 艰辛
19. precisely adv. exactly 精确地,准确地,确切地
20. induce v. bring about 引起
21. inhibit v. restrain 抑制
22. prolong v. extend 延长
23. exceed v. go beyond 超过,胜过
24. roughly adv. approximately 大约,近似地
25. portable adj. moveable 可移动的
26. projected adj. shown 突出的
27. faithful adj. exact 如实的,可靠的
28. intricate adj. complex 错综复杂的
29. diminish v. reduce 减少
30. elaborately adv. with great detail 精密地
31. abandoned adj. no longer occupied 废弃的
32. entirely adv. completely 完全地,彻底地
33. intermittently adv. periodically 间歇地
34. beneficial adj. helpful 有益的
35. rely v. depend 依赖,依靠
36. squander v. waste 浪费
37. key adj. essential 重要的
38. virtue n. desirable quality 美德
39. document v. record 记录
40. besides adv. in addition to 除……之外
<Practice 15>
1. extensive
2. detect
3. intricate
4. account for
5. feasible
<Matching Test 15>
1. precisely (A)helpful
2. key (B)bring about
3. beneficial (C)exactly
4. roughly (D)record
5. induce (E)periodically
6. inhibit (F)essential
7. document (G)approximately
8. intermittently (H)restrain
Practice 1.(B)2.(A)3.(A)4.(C) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(C)2.(F)3.(A)4.(G) 5.(B)6.(H)7.(D)8.(E)
Day 16
1. blunt adj. dull 钝的,不锋利的
2. outlaw n. criminal 歹徒
3. signify v. indicate 表明
4. soak v. drench 浸泡
5. temperate adj. modest 适度的
6. pathetic adj. pitiable 可怜的
7. diversity n. variety 多样性,多样化
8. remembrance n. recollection 记忆
9. magnificent adj. gorgeous 华丽的,豪华的
10. mischief n. harm 损害,伤害
11. statement n. declaration 声明
12. sheen n. luster 光泽,光彩
13. base adj. mean 卑鄙的
14. stagger v. astonish 使吃惊
15. bravery n. boldness 勇敢
16. numerous adj. many 许多的,很多的
17. meddlesome adj. interrupting 爱管闲事的
18. reform v. amend 改良
19. exception n. exclusion 例外,排除在外
20. enliven v. invigorate 使活跃
21. wary adj. cautious 谨慎的,小心的
22. limit n. bound 界限,限度
23. drain v. remove water 排水
24. capacity n. magnitude 容积,大小
25. ripe adj. mature 成熟的
26. transact v. perform 执行
27. acrid adj. sour 脾气坏的,不友好的
28. heed v. listen to 注意,听从
29. accuse v. indict 控告
30. recompense n. compensation 赔偿,补偿,酬谢
31. conquer v. defeat 战胜,征服
32. conform v. comply 遵守,服从
33. vile adj. wicked 邪恶的
34. owing to phr. because of 由于,因为
35. hub n. center 中心
36. affect v. influence 影响
37. precaution n. carefulness 小心
38. dispose v. array 布置
39. constant adj. invariable 恒定的,不变的
40. unstained adj. clean 洁净的
<Practice 16>
1. statement
2. enliven
3. base
4. magnificent
5. pathetic
<Matching Test 16>
1. hub (A)magnitude
2. constant (B)indict
3. dispose (C)invariable
4. transact (D)compensation
5. capacity (E)cautious
6. accuse (F)center
7. recompense (G)perform
8. wary (H)array
Practice 1.(A)2.(A)3.(C)4.(C) 5.(B)
Matching 1.(F)2.(C)3.(H)4.(G) 5.(A)6.(B)7.(D)8.(E)
Day 17
1. luxuriant adj. abundant 丰富的
2. outbreak n. epidemic 爆发(流行病)
3. rendering n. performance 表演
4. subordinate adj. inferior 下级的,下属的,下部的
5. recurring adj. recurrent 复发的
6. vagary n. uncertainty 变幻莫测
7. codify v. classify 整理,分类
8. fervent adj. passionate 热情的,热烈的
9. fine adj. slight 微小的
10. sharp adj. keen 敏锐的
11. tailored adj. adapted 适合的,适用的
12. exemption n. immunity 免除
13. rational adj. reasonable 合理的
14. influx n. arrival 流入,注入
15. semblance n. appearance 外貌,外观
16. loom v. emerge 出现
17. save for. phr. except for 除了
18. antidote n. remedy 药物
19. patch v. mend 修补,缝补
20. mitigate v. soothe 减轻,缓和
21. conduct n. behavior 行为,举止
22. delineate v. describe 描绘
23. singularly adv. particularly 特别地
24. infrastructure n. foundation 基础
25. obligation n. requirement 要求,责任
26. secluded adj. remote 偏僻的,隐蔽的
27. wholesale adj. extensive 大规模的
28. ambivalent adj. unsure 不明确的
29. tremendous adj. huge 巨大的
30. heritage n. tradition 传统
31. congested adj. overcrowded 过度拥挤的
32. revolve v. rotate 旋转
33. qualified adj.(1)eligible 合格的
(2)limited 限制的
34. satisfaction n. complacency 满足
35. concentrate v. condense 浓缩
36. unexceptional adj. ordinary 普通的
37. aware adj. conscious 注意到的,意识到的
38. construe v. interpret 解释,说明,口译
39. inquisitive adj. curious 好奇的,好打听的
40. periphery n. edge 边缘,外围
<Practice 17>
1. influx
2. save for
(A)except for
(B)account for
(C)compensate for
3. luxuriant
4. subordinate
5. fine
<Matching Test 17>
1. conduct (A)huge
2. qualified (B)conscious
3. delineate (C)behavior
4. aware (D)rotate
5. congested (E)limited
6. periphery (F)describe
7. tremendous (G)edge
8. revolve (H)overcrowded
Practice 1.(A)2.(A)3.(B)4.(C) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(C)2.(E)3.(F)4.(B) 5.(H)6.(G)7.(A)8.(D)
Day 18
1. encounter v. experience 遭遇,经历
2. prone to phr. likely to 倾向于,可能
3. superficially adv. not deeply 表面地
4. cushion v. protect 缓冲,保护
5. foul v. pollute 污染
6. seek v. cast about 寻找
7. residue n. remains 剩余,残余
8. encroachment n. intrusion 侵入
9. rupture v. burst 破裂,爆裂
10. diffuse v. spread 传播
11. fragmentary adj. incomplete 不完整的
12. abound v. teem 大量存在,充满,富于
13. conceivable adj. imaginable 可想象的
14. obligate v. force 迫使
15. calculatedly adv. deliberately 故意地
16. article n. item 条款
17. anomaly n. irregularity 不规则
18. customary adj. habitual 习惯性的
19. vitality n. energy 精力,活力
20. extinct adj. having died out 灭绝的,绝种的
21. eminently adv. exceptionally 非常
22. prestigious adj. highly regarded 有名望的
23. broadly adv. generally 大致,总体上说
24. reflect v. mediate 深思
25. uniformly adv. evenly 均匀地,一致地
26. extended adj. long-lasting 持久的
27. proliferate v. become numerous 激增
28. bind v. tie 捆,绑
29. unsuitable adj. inappropriate 不合适的,不适宜的
30. occupy v. engross 使全神贯注
31. domestic adj. household 家庭的,家用的
32. flow n. stream 流动
33. drawback n. problem 不利条件,劣势
34. fragmentation n. destruction 破坏
35. exceedingly adv. highly 非常,极其
36. splendor n. magnificence 壮丽,富丽堂皇
37. vibrant adj. active 活跃的
38. vertical adj. upright 垂直的
39. breeding n. reproduction 繁殖
40. methodically adv. systematically 有方法地,有系统地
<Practice 18>
1. rupture
2. seek
(C)cast about
3. cushion
4. article
5. conceivable
<Matching Test 18>
1. drawback (A)problem
2. methodically (B)mediate
3. exceedingly (C)engross
4. reflect (D)systematically
5. proliferate (E)inappropriate
6. unsuitable (F)magnificence
7. occupy (G)become numerous
8. splendor (H)highly
Practice 1.(B)2.(C)3.(C)4.(A) 5.(B)
Matching 1.(A)2.(D)3.(H)4.(B) 5.(G)6.(E)7.(C)8.(F)
Day 19
1. stunning adj. amazing 令人惊奇(震惊)的
2. stress v. emphasize 强调
3. cling to phr. hold tightly 抓紧,紧握
4. affluent adj. plentiful 丰富的,大量的
5. stagnant adj. inactive 不活跃的
6. hamper v. obstruct 阻碍,妨碍
7. engender v. cause 引起,产生
8. inviolable adj. without exception 一律
9. spectacular adj. magnificent 壮观的
10. controllable adj. manageable 可管理的
11. appreciate v. recognize 意识到
12. sequentially adv. consecutively 连续地
13. ritual adj. ceremonial 仪式的
14. authenticity n. genuineness 真实
15. epitomize v. exemplify 作为……的典型
16. proportion n. percentage 比例
17. presumably adv. thought to be 据推测
18. pledge n. promise 誓言
19. roughly adv. or so 大约
20. modulate v. adjust 调整,调节
21. opposing adj. conflicting 敌对的
22. accrete v. come together 附着,共生
23. erode v. wear down 削弱
24. furnish v. provide 提供,供应
25. collectively adv. together 共同地,一起
26. erratic adj. unpredictable 不确定的
27. despite prep. for all 尽管
28. prompt v. stimulate 激发,激励
29. retain v. preserve 保持,保存
30. contract v. shorten 缩短
31. preponderance n. majority 多数
32. indispensible adj. essential 必需的,不可或缺的
33. ruthlessly adv. without mercy 无情地,残忍地
34. overview n. summary 概要
35. sever v. cut 切断,割断
36. in tandem with phr. in association with同……合作(联合)
37. interval n. period 间隔,周期
38. relentless adj. unceasing 不断的
39. speculate v. guess 猜测,推测
40. concede v. grant 承认
<Practice 19>
1. or so
2. spectacular
3. stress
(B)narrow down
4. sequentially
5. appreciate
<Matching Test 19>
1. concede (A)period
2. prompt (B)wear down
3. speculate (C)stimulate
4. preponderance (D)grant
5. interval (E)preserve
6. contract (F)shorten
7. erode (G)majority
8. retain (H)guess
Practice 1.(B)2.(A)3.(A)4.(C) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(D)2.(C)3.(H)4.(G) 5.(A)6.(F)7.(B)8.(E)
Day 20
1. escalate v. increase 增加
2. release v. discharge 释放
3. succulent adj. juicy 多汁的
4. assault v. attack 攻击,袭击
5. rudiments n. basics 基础
6. potent adj. strong 强有力的
7. allegiance n. loyalty 忠诚
8. manifestation n. indication 迹象,表现
9. ample adj. sizable 相当大的
10. detach v. separate 分离
11. chancy adj. risky 不确定的,冒险的
12. retrieve v. recover 找回,收回,取回
13. criterion n. standard 标准
14. subject v. expose 使遭受
15. circuitous adj. indirect 间接的,迂回的
16. potential n. possibility 可能性
17. thriving adj. successful 成功的
18. extant adj. existing 现存的
19. embellish v. decorate 装饰
20. mean n. average 平均数
21. materialize v. realize 实现
22. interlock v. link 连接
23. devastate v. destroy 摧毁
24. irrevocably adv. permanently 永久性地
25. noteworthy adj. important 显著的
26. rapport n. bond 契合,亲和
27. tentative adj. uncertain 不确定的
28. subterfuge n. trick 诡计,花招
29. disputable adj. challengeable 可质疑的
30. inception n. beginning 开始,开端
31. with respect to phr. in reference to 关于
32. dam v. block 阻止,阻碍
33. erect v. build 建造
34. expend v. use 耗费
35. somewhat adv. to some extent 有点
36. antique adj. ancient 古代的
37. merit n. worth 价值
38. dampen v. moisten 使潮湿
39. full-fledged adj. well-developed 全面发展的
40. domain n. area 领域,范围
<Practice 20>
1. detach
2. retrieve
3. rudiments
4. ample
5. manifestation
<Matching Test 20>
1. inception (A)use
2. disputable (B)permanently
3. antique (C)realize
4. irrevocably (D)ancient
5. expend (E)worth
6. rapport (F)beginning
7. merit (G)challengeable
8. materialize (H)bond
Practice 1.(A)2.(C)3.(C)4.(B) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(F)2.(G)3.(D)4.(B) 5.(A)6.(H)7.(E)8.(C)
Day 21
1. intimidate v. frighten 恐吓,威胁
2. reputation n. fame 名声,声望
3. ascertain v. determine 查明
4. style n. mode 方式
5. perceive v. recognize 察觉
6. shed v. discard 摆脱
7. posit v. conjecture 假定,推测
8. dedicate v. devote 献身于
9. emerge v. spring up 出现
10. initiate v. touch off 引起
11. replica n. copy 复印品
12. cardinal adj. fundamental 最重要的,主要的
13. inspire v. motivate 激发
14. divert v. distract 使转向,使分心
15. disassemble v. break apart 使分裂,解体
16. yearning adj. longing 渴望的
17. unthinkable adj. inconceivable 难以置信的
18. indifferent adj. uninterested 不关心的
19. imaginative adj. creative 富有想象力的
20. grossly adv. extensively 很,非常
21. contiguous adj. neighboring 邻近的,附近的
22. immutable adj. unchangeable 不变的
23. ravage v. destroy 摧毁
24. underrate v. undervalue 低估,看清
25. tame v. domesticate 驯养
26. trespass v. invade 侵入
27. colonize v. inhabit 居住于
28. champion v. promote 支持
29. effort n. attempt 努力,尝试
30. option n. choice 选择
31. negligible adj. insignificant 无足轻重的,微不足道的
32. elegant adj. sophisticated 精致的
33. eliminate v. stamp out 消灭
34. buffer v. protect 保护
35. echo v. imitate 效仿
36. endorse v. approve 赞同,认可
37. interplay n. interaction 相互作用,相互影响
38. disgust n. distaste 厌恶,反感
39. ingrained adj. established 根深蒂固的
40. invoke v. call on 号召
<Practice 21>
1. posit
2. inspire
(C)account for
3. ascertain
4. yearning
5. intimidate
<Matching Test 21>
1. ingrained (A)sophisticated
2. negligible (B)neighboring
3. elegant (C)established
4. ravage (D)insignificant
5. invoke (E)approve
6. colonize (F)inhabit
7. contiguous (G)call on
8. endorse (H)destroy
Practice 1.(A)2.(B)3.(B)4.(C) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(C)2.(D)3.(A)4.(H) 5.(G)6.(F)7.(B)8.(E)
Day 22
1. seductive adj. tempting 诱人的,吸引人的
2. badly adv. extremely 非常
3. prudent adj. cautious 谨慎的
4. disposition n. temperament 性情,性格5. craft v. skillfully produce 精制
6. attenuate v. undermine, weaken 减弱,稀释
7. henceforth adv. from now on 从现在起
8. cycle n. sequence 周期
9. economical adj. saving 节约的
10. sluggish adj. lethargic 没有活力的
11. refuge n. shelter 庇护,避难所
12. acquire v. secure 获得
13. tumult n. chaos 混乱
14. significance n. importance 重要性
15. evade v. dodge 躲避
16. fluster v. confuse 使慌乱
17. architecture n. structure 结构
18. convince v. assure 确信
19. outdo v. surpass 超过,胜过
20. justify v. warrant 正当化
21. project n. plan 计划
22. administer v. parcel out 分配
23. feeble adj. weak 无效的,虚弱的
24. fragmentary adj. partial 不完整的
25. uninitiated adj. inexperienced 缺少经验的
26. wreck v. destroy 毁坏
27. precipitous adj. sudden 突然的
28. mar v. spoil 损坏,毁坏,玷污
29. stipulation n. requirement 条件
30. runoff n. overflow 溢出物
31. brace v. support 支撑
32. assort v. categorize 分类
33. context n. setting 背景
34. token n. symbol 象征,标志
35. flawless adj. perfect 无痕的,完美的
36. clarify v. shed light on 阐明
37. incessantly adv. constantly 不断地
38. far-sighted adj. wise 深谋远虑的
39. stealthily adv. silently 默默地,暗地里
40. banish v. expel 驱逐
<Practice 22>
1. craft
(A)go beyond
(B)skillfully produce
(C)set apart
2. architecture
3. economical
4. outdo
5. disposition
<Matching Test 22>
1. flawless (A)destroy
2. incessantly (B)inexperienced
3. wreck (C)requirement
4. uninitiated (D)constantly
5. fragmentary (E)wise
6. stipulation (F)plan
7. far-sighted (G)perfect
8. project (H)partial
Practice 1.(B)2.(C)3.(A)4.(A) 5.(C)
Matching 1.(G)2.(D)3.(A)4.(B) 5.(H)6.(C)7.(E)8.(F)
Day 23
1. nervous adj. on edge 紧张的
2. manifest adj. obvious v. demonstrate adj. 明显的 v.证明,表明
3. unfounded adj. groundless 无根据的
4. dimly adv. faintly 模糊地
5. weariness n. fatigue 疲劳
6. celebrated adj. renowned 著名的
7. inconsistent adj. volatile 易变的
8. escape v. flee 逃跑
9. cite v. mention 引证
10. reap v. harvest 收获
11. stock n. reserve 储备,储备物
12. accordingly adv. consequently 因此,所以
13. unqualified adj. complete, absolute 完全的,绝对的
14. patchy adj. irregular, uneven 不规则的,不均匀的
15. transcend v. go beyond 超越,越过
16. dogma n. belief 信仰,信条
17. employ v. use, utilize 使用,运用
18. imposing adj. impressive 令人印象深刻的
19. treasure v. value 珍视
20. unequal adj. unfair 不公平的,不平等的
21. gainful adj. advantageous 有利的,有益的
22. cleave v. split 劈开
23. instantaneous adj. immediate 即刻的,即时的
24. scruple n. hesitation 顾忌,顾虑
25. utterly adv. completely 完全地
26. curative adj. healing 有疗效的
27. disintegrate v. fall apart 崩溃,解体
28. milestone n. important event 重大事件,里程碑
29. unlawful adj. illegal 非法的,违法的
30. obviously adv. needless to say 不用说,显然
31. trend n. tendency 趋势,倾向
32. ambling adj. leisurely 缓慢的
33. inimical adj. unfriendly 不友好的
34. pattern n. design 图案,花纹
35. override v. cancel 推翻
36. unsurpassed adj. superior 优越的
37. contradictory adj. opposite 矛盾的,对立的
38. express v. communicate 表达
39. void adj. useless 无用的,无益的
40. share n. portion 一份
<Practice 23>
1. imposing
2. stock
3. unfounded
4. employ
5. unqualified
<Matching Test 23>
1. pattern (A)opposite
2. void (B)design
3. utterly (C)healing
4. trend (D)completely
5. contradictory (E)useless
6. express (F)important event
7. milestone (G)communicate
8. curative (H)tendency
Practice 1.(A)2.(A)3.(C)4.(B) 5.(C)
Matching 1.(B)2.(E)3.(D)4.(H) 5.(A)6.(G)7.(F)8.(C)
Day 24
1. adverse adj. negative 有害的
2. lively adj. active 活跃的
3. coherent adj. logical 合乎逻辑的
4. charge v. impose responsibility 负责
5. livelihood n. occupation 生计
6. move v. touch 感动
7. situation n. condition 状况
8. unquestionable adj. definite 确实的
9. count for nothing: be unimportant 不重要的
10. terminal adj. final 最后的
11. impervious adj. resistant 顽固的
12. proprietor n. owner 业主,老板
13. telling adj. helpful 有效的
14. abide v. inhabit 居住
15. incredulous adj. skeptical 怀疑的
16. rear v. raise 养育,抚养
17. usual adj. typical 平常的
18. subdued adj. reduced 减弱的
19. capricious adj. unpredictable 反复无常的
20. sustainable adj. endurable 可忍受的
21. unequaled adj. matchless 无与伦比的,无敌的
22. noticed adj. observed 被注意的
23. nourish v. feed 培育,喂养
24. yield v. produce 生产
25. subsistence n. survival 生存
26. enable v. permit 使可能,许可
27. surmount v. overcome 克服
28. underway adj. continuing 进行中的
29. detract v. reduce 减少
30. recede v. withdraw 撤回
31. appreciable adj. noticeable 明显的
32. subjective adj. personal 个人的
33. course n. progression 进程
34. inquiry n. scrutiny 调查
35. apart from phr. except for 除了……外
36. avenue n. means 方法,途径
37. application n. use 应用
38. withhold v. hold 保留
39. stirring adj. impressive 激动人心的
40. summarize v. encapsulate 概括
<Practice 24>
1. adverse
2. subdued
3. sustainable
4. proprietor
5. coherent
<Matching Test 24>
1. inquiry (A)encapsulate
2. course (B)personal
3. summarize (C)scrutiny
4. avenue (D)continuing
5. recede (E)observed
6. subjective (F)progression
7. underway (G)withdraw
8. noticed (H)means
Practice 1.(C)2.(B)3.(A)4.(A) 5.(C)
Matching 1.(C)2.(F)3.(A)4.(H) 5.(G)6.(B)7.(D)8.(E)
Day 25
1. determinant n. factor 决定因素
2. germane adj. relevant 有关的
3. acknowledged adj. undisputed 公认的
4. dubious adj. questionable 可疑的
5. compound v. add to 加重
6. foul v. contaminate 污染,弄脏
7. hairline adj. thin 细的
8. spectator n. onlooker 旁观者,观众
9. paradox n. absurdity 悖论
10. engrave v. incise 雕刻
11. discrepancy n. inconsistency 不一致
12. unsophisticated adj. uncomplicated 不复杂的
13. stagnation n. downturn 停滞
14. abound v. teem 大量存在,富于
15. loose adj. slack 松的
16. intermingled adj. mixed 混合的
17. largely adv. generally 普遍地
18. eerie adj. odd 古怪的,怪异的
19. inordinate adj. excessive 过分的,超出合理限度的
20. hitherto adv. until now 至今
21. unwieldy adj. awkward 笨拙的
22. palatial adj. grand 壮丽的,富丽堂皇的
23. severity n. seriousness 严重
24. liberate v. release 释放
25. justly adv. justifiably 正当地
26. status n. importance 重要性
27. isolated adj. solitary 孤独的
28. alternate v. take turns 轮流
29. pinpoint v. accurately identify 查明
30. menace v. threaten 威胁,恐吓
31. dissipate v. scatter 驱散
32. tantalizing adj. teasing 撩人的
33. designate v. indicate 表明,表示
34. intermediate adj. in-between 中间的
35. anonymous adj. unnamed 无名的
36. informally adv. commonly 通常
37. prime adj. main 主要的
38. coinage n. creation 创造
39. precipitate v. bring about 促成
40. improvised adj. unplanned 临时准备的
<Practice 25>
1. abound
2. inordinate
3. loose
4. germane
5. foul
<Matching Test 25>
1. designate (A)justifiably
2. precipitate (B)unplanned
3. justly (C)bring about
4. pinpoint (D)indicate
5. intermediate (E)main
6. liberate (F)release
7. prime (G)accurately identify
8. improvised (H)in-between
Practice 1.(B)2.(A)3.(C)4.(B) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(D)2.(C)3.(A)4.(G) 5.(H)6.(F)7.(E)8.(B)
Day 26
1. minutely adv. in detail 详细地
2. excrete v. expel 排泄,排出
3. traumatic adj. highly stressful(心理)创伤的
4. allure v. invite 引诱,诱使
5. glimpse into phr. brief view into 瞥见
6. adherent n. supporter 拥护者
7. shatter v. destroy 毁坏
8. mold v. shape 塑造
9. location n. site 地点,位置
10. quarters n. residence 住处
11. mutilate v. damage 毁坏,损坏
12. accompany v. occur with 陪伴,伴随
13. abolish v. end 废除,废止
14. lacking adj. destitute of 缺乏的
15. static adj. unchanging 不变的
16. principle n. original method 原理,本质
17. erratic adj. irregular 不规则的
18. chronic adj. persistent 慢性的,持久的
19. stringent adj. strict 严格的,严厉的
20. classic adj. typical 典型的
21. humble adj. modest 谦虚的,谦逊的
22. sensational adj. extraordinary 出众的
23. resulting adj. consequent 作为结果的
24. naively adj. plainly 朴素的
25. deluxe adj. lavish 奢华的,豪华的
26. periodically adv. at intervals 不时地
27. graduate to phr. advance to 发展,达到
28. cite v. refer to 提及,谈到,引用
29. edible adj. eatable 可食用的
30. by virtue of phr. because of 由于,凭借
31. heir n. inheritor 继承人
32. undermine v. weaken 削弱
33. scrutinize v. examine 仔细检查
34. halt v. stop 停止
35. legible adj. recognizable 易辨认的
36. involved adj. complicated 复杂的
37. vicinity n. neighborhood 附近,临近
38. found v. establish 建立,创立
39. dissent v. oppose 不一致,不同意
40. seamless adj. perfectly smooth 流畅的,浑然一体的
<Practice 26>
1. glimpse into
(A)attribute to
(B)brief view into
(C)move around
2. erratic
3. quarters
4. excrete
5. minutely
(A)in principle
(B)in detail
(C)in theory
<Matching Test 26>
1. scrutinize (A)refer to
2. dissent (B)complicated
3. periodically (C)oppose
4. cite (D)establish
5. halt (E)at interval
6. naively (F)examine
7. involved (G)plainly
8. found (H)stop
Practice 1.(B)2.(A)3.(A)4.(C) 5.(B)
Matching 1.(F)2.(C)3.(E)4.(A) 5.(H)6.(G)7.(B)8.(D)
Day 27
1. in retrospect phr. looking back 回顾
2. wealth n. affluence 富裕,富有
3. liken v. compare 比拟
4. artisan n. craftsman 技工
5. outstrip v. surpass 超过,胜过
6. serious adj. in earnest 认真的
7. subsidize v. assist 帮助
8. repel v. drive away 击退
9. consciously adv. intentionally 故意地,蓄意地
10. representative adj. typical 典型的
11. cover, hide v. blot out 遮盖
12. concentrate v. focus 集中
13. leading adj. dominant 主要的,有优势的
14. pastime n. entertainment 娱乐
15. avoid v. eschew 避免
16. boost v. raise 增加
17. aptly adv. appropriately 适宜地,适当地
18. flair n. talent 天资,天分
19. tend v. look after 照顾
20. confront v. face 面对
21. conditional adj. dependent 有条件的
22. reliable adj. dependable 可靠的,可信赖的
23. relatively adv. comparatively 相当地
24. shed v.(1)discard 丢弃
(2)radiate 放射
25. stunted adj. hindered 受阻碍的
26. cognitive adj. mental 认知的,思想的
27. closely adv. carefully 吝啬地,谨慎地
28. glean v. gather 收集
29. imperiled adj. endangered 有危险的
30. dispensable adj. unnecessary 不必要的
31. fertile adj. prolific, productive 多产的
32. remove v. weed out 清除,除去
33. undergo v. experience 经历,遭受
34. impenetrable adj. opaque 难以理解的
35. recurrent adj. frequent 时常发生的
36. verifiable adj. genuine 真实的
37. appear v. crop up 突然出现
38. attach v. stick 依附
39. fire v. lay off 解雇
40. unwavering adj. resolute, fixed 坚定的,固执的
<Practice 27>
1. liken
2. confront
3. leading
4. in retrospect
(A)looking at
(B)looking into
(C)looking back
5. concentrate
<Matching Test 27>
1. attach (A)comparatively
2. fertile (B)weed out
3. undergo (C)endangered
4. relatively (D)prolific
5. conditional (E)mental
6. remove (F)dependent
7. cognitive (G)stick
8. imperiled (H)experience
Practice 1.(A)2.(C)3.(B)4.(C) 5.(B)
Matching 1.(G)2.(D)3.(H)4.(A) 5.(F)6.(B)7.(E)8.(C)
Day 28
1. straightforward adj. simple 简单的
2. inevitable adj. certain 必然的
3. aired adj. broadcast 广播的,被播报的
4. finding n. result 调查结果
5. consistent adj. steady 始终如一的,一贯的
6. contaminated adj. infected 被污染的
7. seemingly adv. presumably 看似,大概
8. accent v. emphasize 强调
9. gripping adj. compelling 引人注目的
10. deceive v. fool 欺骗
11. worsening adj. degenerative 恶化的,退化的
12. participant n. respondent 参与者,应答者
13. civic adj. municipal 市的
14. unscramble v. decode 译(码)
15. bicker v. argue 争论
16. territoriality n. boundary establishment领土权
17. enforce v. impose 强制
18. cue v. trigger 引起
19. appease v. soothe 安抚,安慰
20. founder v. sink 沉没
21. inaugurate v. begin 开始
22. palatable adj. favorable 受人欢迎的
23. palpable adj. clear 明显的
24. disconcert v. embarrass 使不安
25. involuntary adj. compulsory 不情愿的
26. invaluable adj. priceless 无价的,极贵重的
27. eccentric adj. peculiar 怪癖的
28. install v. equip 安装
29. ostentatious adj. showy 卖弄的
30. react v. counteract 起反作用
31. render v.(1)make 做出
(2)give 给予
32. dispense v. distribute 分配
33. undecided adj. unsettled 未决定的
34. irrefutable adj. undeniable 不可否认的
35. convey v. transport 运输,输送
36. eminent adj. famous, renowned 著名的
37. imminent adj. impending 即将发生的,迫切的
38. concede v. admit 承认
39. meditate v. ponder 考虑
40. mediate v. negotiate, compromise 调解,和解
<Practice 28>
1. accent
2. seemingly
3. founder
4. bicker
5. unscramble
<Matching Test 28>
1. imminent (A)admit
2. convey (B)make
3. involuntary (C)impending
4. irrefutable (D)equip
5. concede (E)transport
6. eccentric (F)undeniable
7. install (G)peculiar
8. render (H)compulsory
Practice 1.(C)2.(A)3.(C)4.(A)5.(B)
Matching 1.(C)2.(E)3.(H)4.(F) 5.(A)6.(G)7.(D)8.(B)
Day 29
1. evidence v. indicate 显示
2. vitality n. vigor 活力
3. bombard v. strike 攻击
4. patent adj. apparent 显然的
5. preeminently adv. primarily 主要地
6. assorted adj. various 各种各样的
7. ingenious adj. clever, creative 机灵的,有独创性的
8. ingenuous adj. innocent 单纯的,天真的
9. hypothetical adj. supposed 假设的,假定的
10. stimulus n. impetus 刺激,激励
11. intuition n. insight 直觉,洞察力
12. exploitation n. use 利用
13. intricate adj. tangled, knotty 复杂的
14. endorse v. support 支持
15. promote v. advance 促进
16. rise n. emergence 出现,发生
17. insecure adj. uncertain 不确定的
18. account n. description 描述,说明
19. congregate v. assemble 聚集
20. overbearing adj. arrogant, rude 傲慢的,无礼的
21. behold v. observe 观察
22. desolate adj. deserted 荒凉的,孤单的
23. deteriorate v. worsen 恶化
24. evoke v. elicit 引起,唤起
25. mediocre adj. ordinary, mundane 普通的,平凡的
26. predispose v. incline to 倾向于
27. expire v. terminate 终止
28. indiscreet adj. imprudent 轻率的
29. promising adj. hopeful 有希望的
30. retrieve v. get back 恢复
31. digress v. deviate 离题
32. impart v. grant 给予
33. enthrall v. fascinate 使着迷
34. propel v. drive 推进
35. commend v. acclaim 称赞
36. aspire v. desire 渴望
37. reimburse v. repay 偿还
38. immerse v. absorb 沉浸,使陷入
39. proscribe v. forbid 禁止
40. elapse v. pass(时间)流逝
<Practice 29>
1. intuition
2. endorse
3. assorted
4. congregate
5. evidence
<Matching Test 29>
1. predispose (A)observe
2. reimburse (B)repay
3. expire (C)incline to
4. enthrall (D)drive
5. behold (E)fascinate
6. deteriorate (F)absorb
7. propel (G)worsen
8. immerse (H)terminate
Practice 1.(A)2.(A)3.(B)4.(C) 5.(B)
Matching 1.(C)2.(B)3.(H)4.(E) 5.(A)6.(G)7.(D)8.(F)
Day 30
1. sensitive to phr. responsible for 对……敏感,为……负责
2. speculate v. understand 推测
3. robust adj. healthy 健康的
4. optimal adj. ideal 最佳的,理想的
5. vacate v. recall 取消
6. constructed adj. created 创建的
7. associated adj. related 关联的
8. exclusively adv. only 仅仅
9. manipulate v. handle 处理,操作
10. expedite v. accelerate 加快
11. randomness n. lack of pattern 随意
12. accumulation n. buildup 积聚
13. overriding adj. dominant 最重要的
14. vibrant adj. active 活泼的
15. damaging adj. harmful 有害的
16. besides adv. in addition 此外
17. scenario n. situation 事态,局面
18. model n. prototype 原型,样品
19. anonymous adj. unknown 无名的
20. boast v. swagger 吹牛
21. further adj. additional 另外的
22. groundwork n. foundation 基础
23. revolve around phr. focus on 以……为中心
24. circuitous adj. indirect 间接的
25. hypothetical adj. supposed 假定的
26. congeal v. solidify 凝固
27. hasten v. rush 赶紧
28. reasonable adj. sufficient 合理的,适当的
29. far-reaching adj. widespread 广泛的
30. spot v. see 认出
31. hamper v. prevent 妨碍
32. devour v. consume 耗尽
33. fuse v. combine 混合
34. dispose of phr. get rid of 处理
35. persuasively adv. convincingly 令人信服地
36. amiss adj. wrong 错误的
37. supersede v. replace 取代,代替
38. phenomenal adj. extraordinary 非凡的
39. absurd adj. preposterous 荒谬的,可笑的
40. resume v. begin again 重新开始
<Practice 30>
1. constructed
2. vacate
3. associated
4. exclusively
5. accumulation
<Matching Test 30>
1. resume (A)additional
2. dispose (B)begin again
3. persuasively (C)combine
4. further (D)focus on
5. reasonable (E)convincingly
6. revolve around (F)get rid of
7. fuse (G)extraordinary
8. phenomenal (H)sufficient
Practice 1.(B)2.(A)3.(C)4.(B) 5.(B)
Matching 1.(B)2.(F)3.(E)4.(A) 5.(H)6.(D)7.(C)8.(G)
Day 31
1. sophistication n. expertise 专长,有经验
2. sloping adj. inclining 倾斜的
3. aggregate v. combine 结合
4. epitomize v. exemplify 作为……的典型
5. thrill n. excitement 激动
6. juncture n. connection 连接
7. firmly adj. securely 牢固地
8. tempting adj. appetizing 诱人的
9. conceive v. imagine 想象
10. comparable adj. equivalent 比得上的,相当的
11. manner n. way 方式,方法
12. chronic adj. persistent 长期的,持久的
13. convey v. transmit 运输
14. handy adj. convenient 方便的,便利的
15. contribute v. donate 捐献
16. creative adj. inventive 有创造力的
17. jettison v. release 放弃
18. enactment n. establishment 制定
19. exploration n. probe 探测
20. imminent adj. impending 迫近的,即将发生的
21. coincide with phr. correspond to 符合
22. distribute v. parcel out 分配
23. instigate v. cause 唆使
24. secrete v. produce 分泌
25. witness v. observe 观察,目击
26. overview n. summary 概述
27. delicate adj. dainty 美味的,精美的
28. haphazard adj. random 任意的
29. channel v. direct 引导
30. work out at phr. be calculated at 计算出
31. shrivel v. dry up 干枯,枯萎
32. etch v. cut 雕刻
33. assorted adj. various 各种各样的
34. perceptibly adv. noticeably 显然,明显地
35. compact adj. dense 紧密的
36. overlie v. cover 覆盖
37. keenly adv. deeply 强烈地
38. myriad adj. countless 无数的
39. precarious adj. unstable 不稳定的
40. stretch v. extend 延伸
<Practice 31>
1. jettison
2. chronic
3. aggregate
4. enactment
5. epitomize
<Matching Test 31>
1. assorted (A)deeply
2. overlie (B)extend
3. keenly (C)produce
4. channel (D)direct
5. compact (E)various
6. stretch (F)correspond to
7. coincide with (G)cover
8. secrete (H)dense
Practice 1.(A)2.(A)3.(C)4.(B) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(E)2.(G)3.(A)4.(D) 5.(H)6.(B)7.(F)8.(C)
Day 32
1. extant adj. in existence 现存的
2. correspondingly adv. similarly 相似地
3. stockpile v. store up 储备
4. perfect v. refine 使完美
5. experimental adj. trial 试验性的
6. strenuous adj. intense 紧张的,强烈的
7. obsession with phr. fixation on 对……痴迷
8. ravage v. destroy 破坏,毁坏
9. unethical adj. improper 不道德的
10. vestige n. trace 痕迹,遗迹,残余
11. pliable adj. flexible 灵活的,柔韧的,顺从的
12. nearness n. proximity 接近,亲近
13. forestall v. prevent 阻止
14. novel adj. new 新奇的
15. embodiment n. concrete example 具体化
16. trend n. tendency 趋势
17. recompense n. repayment 赔偿,偿还
18. insolent adj. impudent 无耻的,无礼的
19. possession n. property 财产
20. voracious adj. insatiable 贪婪的
21. inclination n. preference 倾向,偏爱
22. limit v. keep in check 限制,牵制
23. unrest n. turmoil 动荡
24. friction n. conflict 不和,争执,冲突
25. supplementary adj. additional 追加的,补充的
26. assign v. specify 指定
27. relay v. transfer 转移
28. disprove v. refute 反驳
29. unexplored adj. uncovered 未被探索的
30. urbane adj. cultivated 温雅的,有修养的
31. ascribe v. attribute 归因于,归咎于
32. expend v. use up 用光,耗尽
33. meticulously adv. carefully 谨慎地
34. span n. period 一段时间
35. relevant adj. applicable 适当的
36. improbable adj. unlikely 不太可能的
37. pitfall n. difficulty 困难
38. comprehensible adj. knowable 易懂的
39. threshold n. limit 限度
40. implication n. consequence 涉及,结果
<Practice 32>
1. experimental
2. possession
3. correspondingly
4. forestall
5. unethical
<Matching Test 32>
1. improbable (A)specify
2. relevant (B)refute
3. threshold (C)additional
4. assign (D)applicable
5. urbane (E)use up
6. disprove (F)cultivated
7. supplementary (G)unlikely
8. expend (H)limit
Practice 1.(C)2.(B)3.(B)4.(B) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(G)2.(D)3.(H)4.(A) 5.(F)6.(B)7.(C)8.(E)
Day 33
1. entail v. cause 引起
2. well-to-do adj. wealthy 富有的
3. homogeneous adj. unvarying 均一的,不变的
4. stratified adj. layered 分层的
5. enjoy v. experience 经历
6. anarchy n. disorder 混乱,骚乱
7. visible adj. perceptible 看得见的
8. mobilize v. put into action 动员,调动
9. deliberation n. discussion 商议
10. cluster n. group 群
11. overly adv. excessively 过分地
12. quantify v. measure 测量
13. debris n. dreg 残渣
14. thwart v. frustrate 阻挠
15. regrettably adv. unfortunately 遗憾地
16. uniquely adv. exceptionally 独特地
17. perpetuate v. continue 保持
18. impulse n. basic motivation 冲动
19. fragment n. flake 碎片
20. consume v. partake of 吃光
21. by virtue of phr. because of 由于22. hover v. drift 徘徊
23. in tandem with phr. in association with与……联合
24. collaborative adj. cooperative 合作的,协作的
25. liken to phr. compare to 把……比作
26. gratify v. satisfy 使满足
27. emanate v. emerge 冒出
28. prohibitive adj. extreme 过度的
29. blur v. make less distinct 迷糊
30. gear v. adapt 适合
31. formulate v. state 声明
32. impunity n. immunity 免除,豁免
33. promising adj. likely 有希望的
34. wield v. use 使用
35. disintegrate v. fall apart 崩溃,瓦解
36. decompose v. decay 腐烂
37. stipulate v. require 规定
38. engross v. occupy 占有
39. dual adj. double 双的
40. master v. control 控制
<Practice 33>
1. homogeneous
2. deliberation
3. partake of
4. stratified
5. perpetuate
(B)serve on
<Matching Test 33>
1. promising (A)emerge
2. disintegrate (B)in association with
3. emanate (C)likely
4. decompose (D)state
5. in tandem with (E)control
6. collaborative (F)fall apart
7. master (G)cooperative
8. formulate (H)decay
Practice 1.(A)2.(A)3.(C)4.(B) 5.(C)
Matching 1.(C)2.(F)3.(A)4.(H) 5.(B)6.(G)7.(E)8.(D)
Day 34
1. officially adv. formally 正式地
2. match v. be consistent with 一致,符合
3. subject n. theme 主题
4. distinct adj. clear 明确的
5. versatility n. adaptability 多样性
6. discard v. desert 放弃,丢弃
7. free adj. complimentary 免费的
8. replaced adj. substituted 代替的
9. subsequent adj. following 随后的,后来的
10. capricious adj. unpredictable 多变的
11. inaugurate v. open 开始,开辟
12. inspire v. encourage 鼓励,鼓舞
13. rising adj. emerging 新兴的
14. replicate v. mock 复制,模拟
15. consecutive adj. successive 连续的
16. punctuate v. suspend 暂停,打断
17. address v. discuss 讨论
18. ease v. facilitate 使容易,使便利
19. symbolize v. stand for 象征
20. chartered adj. authorized 经认可的
21. deteriorate v. aggravate 恶化
22. elude v. avoid 躲避,避开
23. fade v. disappear 消失
24. nomadic adj. itinerant 流浪的
25. recipient n. winner 胜者
26. arbitration n. reconciliation 仲裁,调停
27. seek v. pursue 寻求
28. adjoining adj. adjacent 临近的,毗连的
29. extensive adj. comprehensive 广泛的,综合的
30. obtain v. acquire 获得
31. domesticated adj. tamed 驯服的
32. contain v. reserve 含有,保留
33. track v. chase 追踪
34. competent adj. adroit 精明的,能干的
35. attribute n. trait 特性,特征
36. facet n. aspect 方面
37. curb v. control 控制,抑制
38. deplete v. exhaust 耗尽
39. hint n. indication 暗示
40. incessantly adv. constantly 不停地
<Practice 34>
1. punctuate
2. replicate
3. subsequent
4. chartered
5. free
<Matching Test 34>
1. domesticated (A)reserve
2. attribute (B)avoid
3. contain (C)tamed
4. incessantly (D)pursue
5. arbitration (E)trait
6. elude (F)exhaust
7. deplete (G)reconciliation
8. seek (H)constantly
Practice 1.(C)2.(A)3.(C)4.(B) 5.(A)
Matching 1.(C)2.(E)3.(A)4.(H) 5.(G)6.(B)7.(F)8.(D)
Day 35
1. redundant adj. superfluous 多余的,不必要的
2. peak n. summit 顶点,最高点
3. theory n. hypothesis 推测
4. recurring adj. circulating 循环的
5. validate v. demonstrate 证实
6. plunge v. fall 下降
7. infringement n. violation 违反,侵犯
8. skyrocket v. soar 高涨
9. emulate v. imitate 模仿
10. event n. occurrence 事件
11. notable adj. remarkable 显著的
12. adopt v. introduce 采取,采用
13. usher v. guide 引导
14. explicitly adv. apparently 明确地,显然
15. supplement v. add 补充,增补
16. nefarious adj. evil 邪恶的
17. extol v. compliment 称赞
18. secular adj. worldly 世俗的
19. counter v. contradict 反驳
20. negotiate v. compromise 和解,达成一致
21. differentiate v. distinguish 区别,区分
22. proximity n. closeness 亲近,接近
23. along with phr. as well as 此外,也
24. territory n. boundary 范围
25. foreshadow v. foretell 预示
26. unconsolidated adj. loose 疏松的,松散的
27. feat n. achievement 功勋,功绩
28. questionable adj. doubtful 可疑的
29. scorn v. disdain 蔑视
30. unresolved adj. undecided 尚未解决的
31. metamorphose v. alter 改变
32. resurgence n. comeback 复原
33. aridity n. dryness 干燥,乏味
34. engulf v. swallow 吞没
35. cargo n. shipment 货物
36. objective adj. impartial 无偏见的,客观的
37. inducement n. incentive 动机
38. mortality n. death 死亡
39. terrain n. landscape 地形
40. utilitarian adj. practical 实用的
<Practice 35>
1. usher
2. extol
3. theory
4. negotiate
5. adopt
<Matching Test 35>
1. foreshadow (A)practical
2. resurgence (B)foretell
3. inducement (C)doubtful
4. utilitarian (D)comeback
5. unconsolidated (E)impartial
6. objective (F)incentive
7. questionable (G)dryness
8. aridity (H)loose
Practice 1.(A)2.(B)3.(A)4.(C) 5.(B)
Matching 1.(B)2.(D)3.(F)4.(A) 5.(H)6.(E)7.(C)8.(G)