10 Disability and Poverty
The President drew attention to the connection between disability and poverty. As shown in the 2013 report on children with disabilities, The State of the World's Children, children with disabilities, particularly girls, are more likely to face poverty and lack of access to education and health services. The ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities would create a good basis to continue efforts against discrimination and towards a world where children have the opportunity to participate, learn and develop to their full potential.
In regard to the agenda for the session, he said the draft UNICEF strategic plan for 2014—2017 was an important tool, and he encouraged members of the Executive Board to focus on providing concrete guidance to UNICEF.
The Executive Director said UNICEF was creating a “new normal”. Its mission to realize the rights of children everywhere would never change, but how it carried out that mission would continue to evolve. Today's “normal” included the refocus on equity, innovation and greater transparency. He cited some of the achievements of UNICEF and its partners in 2012 in the areas of immunization, education, access to water and reduction of disparity.
[74]lack of access译成“缺乏”在此语境里应该是合适的,lack of access to... health services译成“缺乏保健服务”恰如其分,但lack of access to education译成“缺乏教育”似有可能引起歧义,会被理解成“缺乏教养”,而实际上这里指的是“缺乏受教育的机会”。如今,access一词使用十分广泛,翻译时一方面要顾及该词在特定语境里的确切含义,另一方面又要照顾中文的表达习惯。该词的本意是a means of approaching or entering a place,例如,The staircase gives access to the top floor(楼梯通往顶楼),但也经常用来表示the right or opportunity to approach或the right or opportunity to use or benefit from something,例如,Students have access to a photocopier(学生可使用复印机)。market access经常译成“市场准入”,当然我们将其译成“进入市场的机会”也未尝不可。有人以为,access既然经常可译成“准入”,于是就把“准入”视为标准译法,处处使用,这其实是行不通的。我们再看几个使用access的例子:
• Obstacles to access to information can undermine the enjoyment of both civil and political rights, in addition to economic, social and cultural rights.信息获取的障碍不仅可能有损于经济、社会和文化权利的享有,而且可能有损于公民权利和政治权利的享有。
• Access to justice and the independence of the justice system are highlighted as key to breaking the cycle of poverty, exclusion and vulnerability.有人强调,让人们有机会利用司法手段,保持司法系统的独立性,这两点是打破陷身贫困、遭受排斥、处于弱势状态的循环的关键。
• The Security Council underscored the need for secure and unhindered access for humanitarian assistance.安全理事会强调,人道主义援助物品和人员必须安全无阻通行。
[77]这里的equity译成“平等”不确切。遇到此类概念性的词语,我们需要特别小心,千万不要想当然地大笔一挥,觉得八九不离十即可。equity与equality的含义是不同的,前者意为the quality of being fair and impartial,比较接近于fairness或impartiality,可以译成“公平”,后者意为the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities,那才是“平等”。
短文 理解问题:句子成分的互动关系
对句子成分互动关系的判断,经常在文本层面即可做到。上下文的逻辑关系或语法结构经常能提供令人信服的线索。但各种语言本身都有模棱两可的表达方式,英语也不例外。正因为如此,需要靠超越文本范围的信息才能正确理解。比如the status, basic rights and duties of officials other than Secretariat officials and experts on mission(非秘书处官员和特派专家的地位、基本权利和义务)中的other than既可以被认为仅与Secretariat officials相关,也可以被认为与Secretariat officials和experts两者相关,on mission既可以被认为仅修饰experts,也可以被认为同时修饰前面两者(Secretariat officials和experts)。要做出正确判断,必须依据其他文件的解释。法语的表达方式(le statut et les droits et obligations élémentaires des personnalités au service de l’ONU non fonctionnaires du Secrétariat et des experts en mission)倒没有歧义,其语法结构已经限定了各个成分之间的关系。我们在此不讨论这种需要超越文本范围的信息才能做出判断的情况,只讨论能根据逻辑或语法可以把握词语关系的情况。
【例1】 The ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities would create a good basis to continue efforts against discrimination and towards a world where children have the opportunity to participate, learn and develop to their full potential.
译者以为与efforts直接互动的只有against discrimination,显然在理解上出错。我们仅仅依据语法结构,就可以充分断定与efforts直接互动的还有towards a world where...。这句话可译成:
【例2】 The Court would kindly ask the General Assembly, in considering its decision on a new pension scheme, to carefully balance, on the one hand, the disadvantages in terms of the integrity of the constitutional status of the Court and its members, as well as the attractiveness and long-term efficiency of the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, against, on the other hand, the savings envisaged, which in this case would be minimal, given the very small number of persons actually concerned.
译者对原文句子成分之间关系的理解有误。原文里to carefully balance后面的结构有点复杂,其主干是balance... the disadvantages... against... the savings。简单地说,就是要平衡利弊。有利之处比较简单,仅有savings一点,后面的定语从句可另作处理。谈到新办法的弊端时,所涉因素较多,作者认为新办法影响到the integrity of the constitutional status of the Court and its members,也影响到the attractiveness and long-term efficiency of the principal judicial organ,而译者却以为仅涉及前者。本例仅仅根据语法判断还不够,因为纯粹从语法角度来看,这样理解是站得住脚的。我们可以认为in terms of仅跟有the integrity...,而把以as well as引导的成分视为disadvantages的并列成分,但这种分析不合逻辑,integrity、attractiveness和efficiency都是好的要素,这三者并列是合理的,而让“不利因素”与“好处和长期效率”作为同类因素并列,那就完全没有理性。这句话可译成: