第三篇 阅读理解
Passage 1
Questions 1-2 refer to the following letter.
Lamberts Bank
206 Rampton Hill
Thompson, 82073-3June 26
Mr. Michael Hunter
92 Woodvale Road
Dear Mr. Hunter:
Your application for a bank account has been successful, and we are able to offer you the following:
· Checkbook
· Check guarantee/debit card
· Use of Lamberts automatic teller machines (ATM’s) and CONNEX ATM’s
· Online banking and 24-hour telephone banking
A copy of the bank account conditions that apply to your account is enclosed. Please deposit a minimum of $100 into your account. Once this has cleared, we will send your check guarantee debit card to you.
Thank you for your business.
Jean Villiers
Jean Villiers (Ms.)
Accounts Manager
1.Why is the bank writing to Mr. Hunter?
(A) He lost his check book and check guarantee card.
(B) There are new charges to his account.
(C) He asked to open an account.
(D) He needed instructions for using the ATM’s.
【解析】信件一开始提到“Your application for a bank account has been successful”“您的开户申请已经完成”,可知C项为正确选项。A项提到的checkbook和check guarantee card是Hunter先生以后会享受的服务项目。B、D项未提及。
2.What is Mr. Hunter asked to do after receiving the letter?
(A) Telephone the bank
(B) Register online
(C) Sign a contract
(D) Make a deposit
【解析】信件最后提到“Please deposit…account…”“请向您的账户中存入至少100美元……”。可知D项符合题意。make a deposit等同于deposit,“存钱”。
Passage 2
Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.
Excelon Travel Services, Inc.
711 Market Street
San Francisco, California 94Dear Mr. Mirza:
Thank you for giving Excelon Travel Services the opportunity to arrange your family’s vacation travel plans. As an additional service to you, we have provided an overview of your travel and hotel arrangements (all times are local):
Date Flight No. Place/Time Depart Place/Time Arrive
March 3 CM 045 San Francisco-8:40 A.M. Honolulu-10:50 A.M.
March 10 CM 1226 Honolulu-1:00 P.M. San Francisco-8:50 P.M.
Upon your arrival at Honolulu, your rental car will be waiting for you--just go to the Fritz Rentals service desk. As we discussed, room reservations have been made at the Mahalo Hotel; directions to the hotel will be available at the car rental desk.
We pride ourselves on over twenty years of providing the highest level of customer satisfaction and would very much appreciate your feedback on your experience with Excelon Travel Services. To help us continue to improve, please visit our Web site at www.excelonts.com and fill out our customer satisfaction survey.
Once again, thank you very much for your business.
Janet S. Ono
Janet S. Ono
Customer Service Associate
Excelon Travel Services
1.Why will Mr. Mirza travel to Honolulu?
(A) To conduct a business transaction
(B) To attend a conference
(C) To set up a Web site
(D) To go on vacation with his family
【解析】信件第一句话就提到“Thank you for …travel plans”“感谢您选择Excelon旅行社为您安排全家假期旅游事宜”,在后边提到了去檀香山的安排。由此可知,D项正确。business transaction商业交易。conference会议。web site 网站。
2.Where will Mr. Mirza get directions?
(A) At the travel agency
(B) At the Fritz Rentals desk
(C) At the Mahalo Hotel
(D) At Excelon’s Web site
【解析】此处的“direction”指“路线图”,在第三段的最后提到“direction to…rental desk”, “租车服务柜台会提供前往饭店的路线图”由此可知选项B为正确答案。Available意为“可得到的,可用的”。
3.What does Ms. Ono ask Mr. Mirza to do?
(A) Call her when he gets to Honolulu
(B) Send payment as soon as possible
(C) Complete a survey
(D) Give her his e-mail address
【解析】从第四段的最后女士提到“fill out our customer satisfaction survey”“填写顾客满度调查表”,故选择C项。A、B、D项未提及。
Passage 3
Questions 1-3 refer to the following article.
₤50m Print Works to Open
The city of Reading this week landed one of the biggest and most significant investments in the city in years—a ₤50m print works that promises 1,000 jobs. The Scorpia Group, one of Europe’s largest independent printing companies, has chosen a site on Compton Way for its new plant. This was the former Hartland Steelworks location.
Local leaders are delighted at the prospect of hundreds of highly skilled jobs and training opportunities being created in the Reading area. Robert Andrews, chief executive of the Reading City Investment Initiatives said, "The scale and nature of this project will give a huge boost to the local economy."
The printing plant will offer top-quality and fast color production of magazines, catalogs, and other publications. The Compton Way site is owned by Scorpia’s development partner, which was asked to draw up plans for the site. The company has chosen the Compton Way site on the basis of its location, the financial grants that are available from the central government, and the local labor market.
The chief executive of Scorpia said, "The location of our new plant, with access to the road network and rail freight links, and the reputation of the workforce in the region had a big impact on our decision-making process. In addition, the attitude and cooperation of local authorities in Reading is a positive example to the rest of the country of how to attract new investments."
1.What is the article mainly about?
(A) Job openings at a steelworks factory
(B) Investment opportunities in Europe
(C) The proposed site of a new plant
(D) New laws enacted by the Reading City Council
【解析】文中在第一段第二句提到“The Scorpia Group…new plant”“Scorpia集团已经在Compton Way选定了一处作为其新厂址”,而后通篇在围绕新厂址展开话题。故C项为本文主旨。A、D项未提及。B项的投资机会仅限于Reading市,并非欧洲。
2. What is NOT mentioned as a reason for choosing the location on Compton Way?
(A) It has good road and rail links.
(B) It has been enlarged recently.
(C) The government offers financial assistance.
(D) Plenty of labor is available locally.
【解析】第三段最后一句“The company has chosen… the local labor market”,其中提到了地理位置、中央政府的财政拨款及当地的劳动力市场,可见只有B项未提及,故B项为正确答案。
3.Why does the head of Scorpia praise Reading’s local government?
(A) It has established strong ties with Europe.
(B) It cooperates with the local news reporters.
(C) It has encouraged development in the city.
(D) It offers financial aid to residents.
【解析】在文章最后一段,the chief executive of Scorpia提到了新厂址的优势,也提到“Reading市地方政府的合作态度为国内其他想要吸引投资的地区树立了积极的典范”,由此可知C为正确答案。A、B、D项文中未提及。
Passage 4
Questions 1-3 refer to the following memorandum.
To: Motor Pool Users
From: Hafid Benabou, Director
Date: February 27
Subject: Motor Pool Checkout Card
Company policy states that everyone who uses a company vehicle must have a valid motor pool checkout (MPC) card. All MPC cards will expire April 30. Current cardholders should apply for renewal by March 31. New cards will be approved only for employee drivers fulfilling the requirements below.
1.Vehicles are lent ONLY to carry out company business.
2. All drivers must be in compliance with all current motor vehicle laws.
3. All drivers must complete an eight-hour National Safety Council (NSC) defensive driving course before an MPC card will be issued
Please fax MPC card requests to Mark Fernandez (114927384) Include your driver’s license number and expiration date, a certified copy of your driving record (obtainable from the central police station), and a copy of your NSC defensive driving certificate. To enroll in the defensive driving course (next session, March 15), phone Jennifer Latourche (ext.2525)
1.What is the purpose of the memo?
(A) To announce a change in staffing assignments
(B) To notify employees of a new course
(C) To remind employees of a company policy
(D) To introduce new staff members
【解析】备忘录一开始提到company policy,且这份备忘录的主题是motor pool checkout card“公务车借用卡”。由此可知答案为C。memorandum意为“公司内部的公文”。A、D项未提及。B项的course在文中出现过,但不是主要内容。
2.When does the next driving course start?
(A) February 27
(B) March 15
(C) March 31
(D) April 30
【解析】备忘录最后一句提到driving course (next session, March 15),可知下次培训课程3月15日开始。故选B。A项为备忘录发出的日期,B项为申请新的MPC卡的截止日期,D项是旧MPC卡的有效期限。defensive driving course意为“安全驾驶培训课程”。
3.What does NOT need to be faxed with the card request?
(A) Driver’s license information
(B) A copy of a driving course certificate
(C) A copy of a driving record
(D) A copy of the old MPC card
【解析】最后一段提到申请新卡需要的信息“driver’s license number and expiration date” “驾照号码和有效期限”、“a certified copy of your driving record”“驾驶记录证明”、“ a copy of your NSC defensive driving certificate”“ NSC的安全驾驶培训结业证书”。D项不包括在内。
Passage 5
Questions 1-3 refer to the following information.
Milltown Community Theater
Board Meeting Minutes
Sunday, November 16
Milltown Public Library
OPENING: President Eliot Rogers conducted the meeting. He introduced the new board member, Anita Russell. Ms. Russell has volunteered at the theater since its beginning. She most recently worked to successfully secure financial support for next season’s productions.
MINUTES: Minutes from the September 28 meeting were approved with minor corrections.
FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial statements from October were reviewed by Patty Schmidt, Treasurer. She explained that recent reductions noted in the operating fund were due to a rise in the price of heating oil. Schmidt noted that a grant has been received from the Acme Savings Bank. These funds will be used to initiate a summer program for children.
DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: Members of the committee led discussions of recent attempts to obtain new grants, other fund-raising possibilities, and an initiative to attract publicity for the theater through local businesses.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: The next meeting of the board will be on Sunday, January 25, at 2:00 P.M. in the Milltown Public Library.
Meeting adjourned at 3:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Fordham
Nancy Fordham
1.Who was in charge of conducting the meeting?
(A) Eliot Rogers
(B) Anita Russell
(C) Patty Schmidt
(D) Nancy Fordham
【解析】在OPENING中第一句就提到,“由总裁Eliot Rogers主持会议”,答案为A。
2.What has recently increased?
(A) The cost of gifts for new board members
(B) Fees for administering a grant
(C) Expenses for a summer program for children
(D) The cost of heating fuel
【解析】FINANCIAL REPORT“财务报告”的第二句提到,“由于暖气用油价格上涨,导致了最近营运资金的减少”,故D为正确选项。
3.What was NOT discussed in the meeting?
(A) Efforts to increase funding
(B) Advertising in the local community
(C) Plans to attract new volunteers
(D) The report of the September meeting
【解析】A项在DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE中提到。B项,在DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE中提到要“通过当地企业来提高剧院的知名度”,属于广告。D项在MINUTES中有所提及。只有C项未提及。
Passage 6
Questions 1-5 refer to the following article and letter.
by William Franklin
After 30 years at Superior Sound Labs (SSL), legendary audio engineer John Anderson has left and started an independent firm, Anderson Associates, to sell his latest creation. The A2000 radio is only 5 centimeters tall, but despite its small dimensions, it delivers excellent sound and usually gets very good reception. Mr. Anderson is best known as one of the engineers who invented the RX3 noise-reduction system.
From the outside, the design of his new product is breathtakingly simple. The A2000 radio consists of two knobs and a speaker—the large knob is the tuning dial and the small one controls the volume. The A2000 sounds far better than anything else in its modest price range. I tested it against an expensive stereo system I own and was very surprised at how well its performance compared. My only complaints are that the radio comes only in white and that I had a little trouble picking up one of my favorite stations on the tuner.
To: Editors of Stereo Review
Thank you for your positive review of our new product. I feel that the A2is designed for people who care more about how a radio sounds than how it looks. However, my business partners have convinced me that not everyone feels the way I do. Consequently, I would like to inform your readers that we will be releasing the A2000 in four decorator colors in time for the holidays this year.
To improve FM reception, try moving the radio closer to a window or outside wall, plugging it into a different outlet, or moving around the power cord (which also functions as an antenna wire)
By the way, your review contains one inaccuracy that I would like to take this opportunity to correct. I was an engineer employed by SSL at the time that RX3 was developed, but I was not involved with that project in any way.
John Anderson
President, Anderson Associates
1.What is unusual about the A2000?
(A) Its distribution system
(B) Its color
(C) Its development schedule
(D) Its size
2.What comparison is made in the review?
(A) The RX3 to the A2 (B) The product’s performance to the product information brochure
(C) The A2000 to an expensive stereo system
(D) Superior Sound Labs to Anderson Associates
【解析】文中第二段的第四句提到“I tested…compared”,作者曾经将A2000和自己的一款高价位的立体音响相比较。performance性能。brochure手册。
3.What is the purpose of Mr. Anderson’s letter?
(A) To correct information in a previous letter
(B) To inform the editors of a new partnership
(C) To respond to comments in a magazine article
(D) To request extra copies of a magazine
4.What was Mr. Anderson’s occupation when he worked at SSL?
(A) Musician
(B) Engineer
(C) Editor
(D) Historian
【解析】信件最后提到“I was an engineer employed by SSL”,故选择B。
5. What suggestion does Mr. Anderson NOT make to Mr. Franklin about his radio?
(A) Adjust the power cord
(B) Put it near a window
(C) Plug it into a different outlet
(D) Buy a newer model
【解析】在信件第二段中关于FM的接收情况,他提出建议“moving around… into a different outlet”“移至窗边”“更换插座”“改变电源线的位置”,可见只有D项未提及,故应选D。adjust意为“调整”。plug意为“(将插头) 插入”。outlet意为“插座”。
Passage 7
From: Sarah Pannelli
To: Jorge Ruiz
Jorge, in light of the new budget mandates we received from the corporate office last week, I'd like to call a gathering of the entire financial department. With everyone together, you and I can introduce the directives and we can all discuss how best to implement them. Shall we divide the duties? I can prepare a presentation on the changes regarding overtime pay, bonuses, and other wage issues. In that case, would you mind taking on those that have to do with advertising contracts? I can ask my assistant to help you analyze them if you're short on time.
My original thought was to hold this meeting next Friday, January 20. But now that I’ve started to get more specific about our plans, I'm worried we might have to push that back another week. What are your feelings on the matter? Is this something we need to do as soon as possible, or can it wait till the 27th? I'm open to your suggestions.
1.Why did Ms. Pannelli write the email?
A. To thank a colleague for his assistance
B. To explain new corporate directives
C. To report on the success of a gathering
D. To propose a departmental meeting
【解析】文中第一句“I'd like to call a gathering of the entire financial department”提到要召集开会,第一段后面是对她自己的工作计划陈述,第二段商议会议时间。所以写邮件的原因是提议开部门会议。
2.Which topic is Mr. Ruiz asked to research?
A. Possible ways of cutting wages
B. The firm's current hiring plans
C. Changes to the overtime policy
D. The company's marketing agreement
【解析】第一段倒数第二句“would you mind taking on those that have to do with advertising contracts”提议Mr. Ruiz研究一下公司的广告宣传合同,故D项符合题意。
3.Which opinion does Ms. Pannelli hold?
A. The financial department should gather on the 20th.
B. Her assistant should be responsible for running the meeting.
C. The mandates issued by the corporate office are unfair.
D. Preparation will take longer than she first assumed.
【解析】根据第二段中提到原计划在1月20举行会议,但是在具体准备时要花时间,所以需要推迟开会时间,可知Ms. Pannelli的观点是准备会花较长时间。
Passage 8
Department of Returns
Snap Photography Equipment, Inc.
23580 Wooliver Rd.
Dublin, Iowa
Dear Sir or Madam:
Last week I purchased a UX-15 Underwater Camera from your company, but it turned out to be quite a disappointment. The camera did not perform as promised in the advertisement.
According to your company’s IV commercial, the UX-15 Underwater Camera is designed to take pictures at underwater depths of up to ten feet. However, after using the camera in a swimming pool for twenty minutes at only five feet, I noticed that water had leaked inside it. The film was mined, along with the camera’s electrical components.
I am returning the camera, along with my sales receipt, in the same package as this letter. I would ask that you issue me a full refund, as I have no interest in receiving a replacement product.
Thank you,
Scott Hyatt
1.Why was this letter written?
A. To order a replacement for a damaged item
B. To ask about the rules at a swimming pool
C. To request reimbursement for a purchase
D. To inquire about a product advertised on TV
【解析】根据第3段第2句I would ask that you issue me a full refund可知写信人要求对相机提供全额退款,故选C。
2. The word "issue" in paragraph 3, line 2 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. resolve
B. appear
C. provide
D. publish
【解析】根据issue后面的a full refund可知句子表示“要求提供全额退款”,issue在此处意为“提供,给”,与之意思最接近的是provide。
3.At what depth did Mr. Hyatt use the camera?
A. 5 feet
B. 10 feet
C. 15 feet
D. 20 feet
【解析】根据第2段第2句after using the camera in a swimming pool for twenty minutes at only five feet可知Mr. Hyatt在水深5英尺的游泳池中使用了照相机,故A项为正确答案。
4.What will accompany the letter?
A. An underwater photograph
B. The defective product
C. The camera’s original packaging
D. A copy of the sales flyer
【解析】最后一段第1句I am returning the camera, along with my sales receipt指出要退回相机,故选B项。
Passage 9
To: Staff of the Marketing Department
From: Colleen Dane, Director of Marketing
Date: November 6th
This memo is to inform all marketing staff that there will be a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, November 14th at 2:00 p.m.
The meeting will be conducted via a video-conference with our company headquarters in Seattle. From the head office, Joe Lamond, our company vice president, will give us feedback and ask questions regarding our proposals for the new advertising strategy.
What do we, the marketing team, want to accomplish in this meeting? The goal is simple: We hope to elicit the vice president’s consent for our print media campaign on the new Spring Shoe. Once we receive his approval, we can go ahead and offer our proposal to the advertising firm. If any staff member cannot attend this meeting, that employee is obliged to submit, in writing, a reason for their absence.
Colleen Dane
Director of Marketing
To: Colleen Dane, Director of Marketing
From: Keith Wilson, Senior Marketing Consultant
Date: November 7th
Dear Ms. Dane,
I’m writing in response to your department-wide memo of November 6th.
Upon review of my schedule, I have to report that I cannot accommodate your request for attending the meeting on the 14th. I have a long-standing commitment on that same afternoon to attend the opening ceremony of our new factory in Wichita.
As a consultant, I regret having to miss the meeting, as it’s necessary for me to be actively involved in our new advertising campaign. Unfortunately, the president himself insisted that I be present at the upcoming ceremony.
What I propose is a sort of compromise for my absence. Sheila Parks, a junior on our marketing team, is willing to transcribe the minutes for me so I can review the meeting’s content in detail when I return to the office. If the vice president addresses a question to me directly, I will respond promptly by contacting him by email or phone. Also, I will ask Joe Dunn, senior manager of the marketing team, to brief me on the meeting’s outcome.
Please understand my position. I wait for your reply.
Keith Wilson
1. What does the marketing director want to get from the meeting?
A. The nomination for a new department head
B. Permission to begin a print advertising plan
C. An agreement on the content of a TV commercial
D. Funding approval for the production of a new item
【解析】根据第3段第2句We hope to elicit the vice president’s consent for our print media campaign on the new Spring Shoe可知答案为B项。
2. How will the Marketing Department communicate with the vice president?
A. In person
B. Through email
C. Through a video-link
D. Over a speaker phone
【解析】根据第2段第1句提到的The meeting will be conducted via a video-conference可知市场部职员和副总裁通过电视会议的方式进行论议,故选C项。
3.Why did Mr. Wilson write the memo?
A. To apply for a vacation during November
B. To ask for an extension on the project deadline
C. To get approval for a new research proposal
D. To explain why he will not attend a meeting
【解析】第2份邮件第2段指出Mr. Wilson要出席本公司典礼而不能参加会议,故选D。
4. Which of the following does Mr. Wilson NOT mention as part of his compromise?
A. A colleague will record the meeting.
B. He will meet the vice president directly in Wichita.
C. A colleague will summarize the outcome of the meeting.
D. He will quickly answer inquiries made by the vice president.
5. The word “accommodate” in paragraph 2, line 1 of the second memo is closest in meaning to ______.
A. oblige
B. reject
C. reside
D. present
【解析】句子表示“不能接受您的要求”,可知accommodate意为“答应”。与其意思最接近的是oblige 满足;答应。故选A。
Passage 10
Questions 196-200 refer to the following email and advertisement.
From: Lisa Forsyth
To: Ben Rhodes
Subject: Buying a car
Dear Mr. Rhodes,
I am contacting you on the recommendation of my close friend, Dallas West, who bought a vehicle from you earlier this year. The car I own now—a 1999 Datsun 350 hatchback—keeps breaking down, so I am looking to replace it. I hope you can help me find something suitable at a reasonable price.
While my Datsun 350 has served me well, I really want to upgrade to a larger vehicle. I am an events coordinator so I often have to transport audiovisual equipment and other cumbersome items in my car. Accordingly, I would prefer something with a lot of trunk space, like a wagon or
SUV. But, at the same time, I'm concerned about the environment, so I'd like the car to be fuel- efficient. Finally, my experience with the Datsun 350 has taught me that older vehicles often have mechanical problems. This time, I want to get something more modern, even if it is more expensive.
If you find any cars that may interest me, please let me know.
Lisa Forsyth
1999 Jervais XTL. $13.000
You won't find a top-quality SUV for a better price than this. It comes with power steering, electric windows, a sunroof, a powerful sound system and a spacious trunk, It has a metallic silver exterior and trendy black leather upholstery. Don't be fooled by this vehicle's age. It is an ex-rental car that received regular servicing.
It will outperform a car 5 years younger, guaranteed. Moreover, the Jervais XTL is incredibly cheap to run. It does nearly 15 miles per gallon, meaning it consumes 30% less gas than most SUVs. For a car that looks great, drives well, and won't let you down, call Rhodes Motors at 03-778-909.
1. What is the main purpose of Ms. Forsyth’s email?
A. To attempt to sell a second—hand vehicle
B. To place an order for a vehicle part
C. To describe the kind of car she is looking for
D. To request a mechanical service
【解析】文中第一段提到Ms. Forsyth打算换车,希望可以得到一些建议。第二段描述了她理想的车。所以邮件的目的是描述她所需的车,并希望得到建议。
2.What is suggested about Ms. Forsyth?
A. She is knowledgeable about cars.
B. Her employer will pay for her vehicle.
C. She is planning to buy her first vehicle
D. Her current car is unreliable.
【解析】根据邮件第二句“The car I own now --- a 1999 Datsun 350 hatchback --- keeps breaking down, so I am looking to replace it”,可知她现在的车总是出故障。
3. The word “cumbersome” in paragraph 2, line 2 of the email is closest in meaning to ______.
A. bulky
B. mechanized
C. fragile
D. technical
4. What can be inferred about the advertised vehicle?
A. It has recently been reupholstered.
B. It has additional unlisted accessories.
C. It was manufactured 5 years ago.
D. It has been well maintained.
【解析】广告第一段最后一句“It is an ex-rental car that received regular servicing”提到这种车会接受常规检查维修,所以D项正确。
5. What feature of the advertised vehicle may a problem for Ms. Forsyth?
A. Its age
B. Its size
C. Its fuel efficiency
D. Its price
【解析】邮件中女士说老车经常会有技术性问题,所以希望买一辆更好的车。而在广告第一段,“Don’t be fooled by this vehicle’s age”提到车可能会比较老,所以A项符合题意。