Part I Reading Comprehension
Passage One
【解析】本题定位于第一段第二、三句话“The frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities. Industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life combined with a new emphasis upon credentials and expertise to make schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility”。由此可知,到了1910年,大多数美国人都居住在城镇和城市之中,工业化和经济生活的官僚化,再加上对证书和专业知识的重视,使得学校教育对经济和社会流动变得越来越重要。由此可以推出,城市化进程让人们越来越重视教育,通过教育实现阶层流动。D项符合这一推论。A、B和C三项文中并未提及相关信息,属于无中生有。因此选择D。
【解析】本题细节定位于第二段第二句话“By 1920 schooling to age fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly lengthened”。由此可知,到了1920年,在大多数州,14岁或以上的孩子接受义务教育,学年也大大延长。A项“大多数地区要求孩子去上学”符合原文。B、C两项原文中并未提及。除了要求儿童去上学之外,还有针对成人开设的班级,但成人和儿童并不是在同一个班级里上课,故D项不正确。因此选择A。
【解析】本题细节定位于第二段第三句话“Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and counseling extended the influence of public schools over the lives of students”。由此可知,幼儿园、假期学校、课外活动、职业教育和咨询等扩大了公立学校对学生生活的影响。据此可知,第二段提及假期学校和课外活动等是为了说明公立学校对学生的影响越来越大。因此选择D。
【解析】本题细节定位于第三段第一句话“Reformers early in the twentieth century suggested that education programs should suit the needs of specific populations”。由此可知,在20世纪初,改革家们建议教育项目应适合特定人群的需求。由此可以推测,A项“不同群体需要不同类型的教育”符合改革家们的理念。因此选择A。
Passage Two
【解析】本题细节定位于第一段最后一句话“...and there are even stores which deal exclusively in Coke products and memorabilia”。由此可知,有些商店专门卖可乐产品及纪念品。A项错误,因为专卖店里除了可乐,还有纪念品。B、C两项文中并未提及,属于无中生有。因此选择D。
【解析】本题细节定位于第二段最后一句话“After all, even the manufacturers could hardly describe Coke as a healthy product since it contains relatively high amounts of sugar (admittedly not the case with Diet Coke which contains artificial sweeteners instead of sugar) and phosphoric acid, both of which are known to damage teeth”。由此可知,由于可乐中含有相当高的糖分和磷酸,这些都有损牙齿健康,因此,甚至制造商都很难将可乐描述为一种健康的产品。B项与原文意思相符,A、C和D三项与原文意思相反,因此选择B。
【解析】本题细节定位于第四段画线句子“Few other companies (arguably including Pepsi) have been able to match such marketing strategies so consistently or effectively”。这句话的意思为“很少有其他公司(可以说包括百事)能够一贯或有效地与可口可乐公司的营销策略相匹敌”。B项“可口可乐公司在市场营销方面比大多数其他公司都更为成功”,符合原文意思。D项说“没有其他公司”,全部否定,不正确。因此选择B。
【解析】本题细节定位于第三段最后一句话“While caffeine is not thought to be an addictive substance in itself, there is considerable evidence that over a period of time the consumption of caffeine has to be increased in order for its stimulating effect to be maintained, and so sales of Coke perhaps benefit as a result”。由此可知,咖啡因本身并非一种致瘾物质,但是有相当多的证据表明,为了维持其刺激作用,过一段时间必须增加咖啡因的消耗量,因此,结果就是可乐的销量增加。由此可知,可乐本身并不含有致瘾物质。A项说“咖啡因属于致瘾物质”不正确。B项“可乐中至少有一种成分会让人上瘾”,与原文意思相反,故不正确。原文中并没有说可口可乐公司逐渐增加可乐中的咖啡因成分,故D项错误。因此选择C。
Passage Three
【解析】文章第二段论述了创造性思维与批判性思维的关系。从最后一句结语“You must learn to create first and then criticize if you want to make writing the tool for thinking that it is”可以看出,在运用这两种思维时,必须首先使用创造性思维,而后再使用批判性思维。可以推出二者不可同时使用。D项“一个人不能同时运用这两种思维”,这点与文中的You must learn to create first and then criticize相符。因此选择D。
【解析】本题细节定位于第三段第一句话“The practice that can help you past your learned bad habits of trying to edit as you write is what Elbow calls‘free writing.’”,指出了写作时的坏习惯——尝试修改(edit),而解决办法则是free writing。第二段中做了两种假设,即在想法初现时考虑语法问题和想法初现时不做修改就与人分享,这两种情形的结果都不理想。文中给出了解决方案:先不受影响地创造出想法,然后运用批判思维进行修改。因此选择B。
【解析】纵观全文,从某种角度来看,文章论述的其实就是写作顺序问题。文章前半部分分析了创造性思维与批评性思维的关系,得出了必须先运用创造性思维记下想法而后再运用批判性思维进行修改的观点(You must learn to create first and then criticize if you want to make writing the tool for thinking that it is)。后半部分对如何运用创造性思维和批判性思维进行了具体描述。根据文意,写作的第一步就是运用创造性思维把观点记下来,记下来的方法就是free writing,即想到哪里就记到哪里,把想法有逻辑地组织起来。Free writing的方法就是把想法自由记下,而不做修改。要做到“有逻辑地”组织,显然应该是进行了修改,是批判性思维的结果。因此A项不正确。B和D两项文中并未提及,属于无中生有。因此选择C。
【解析】本题细节定位于第四段第一句“Now you have raw materials that you can begin to work with using the critical mind that you've persuaded to sit on the side and watch quietly”,指出在获得原材料后,即是运用批判性思维的时候。最后一整段对如何运用批判性思维进行了描述,从中可以发现批判性思维的主要作用是对文章草稿进行修改、精炼。A项“它使文章更加成形”,也就是对文章草稿进行修改、精炼,符合最后一段对批判性思维的描述。B项“它能使作者产生新的想法”。根据文意,批判性思维是对现有想法的修改,不会产生新的想法。C项“它可以节省作者的写作时间”。第四段提到“this will take more time than you actually have”,意思是在运用批判性思维前很可能会发现时间不够用,那么批判性思维有没有节省时间呢?从“Move back and forth until you run out of time…”这句话可以看出,即便运用批判性思维,还是把所有的时间都用光了,因此并没有节省时间。D项“它可以使作者坐下来审视文章”。坐下来审视文章就是指运用批判性思维,不能说它会对本身起到什么作用。因此选择A。
Passage Four
【解析】本题细节定位于第一段第二句话“For years, academics have debated whether leaders are born or made, whether a person who lacks charisma can become a leader, and what makes leaders fail”。由此可知,多年以来学术界一直在争论领导者是天生的还是后天培养的,缺乏非凡领导力的人是否能担任领导者,以及是什么导致了领导者的失败。可以推知,领导力研究一直以来都是一项具有争议的研究。因此选择A。
【解析】本题细节定位于第二段第一、二句话“The authors' research led to a new and telling discovery: that every leader, regardless of age, had undergone at least one intense, transformational experience—what the authors call‘crucible’. These events can either make you or break you”。根据作者们的研究新发现,每一位领导者都至少经历过一次剧烈的变故,即作者们所说的“严酷考验”。这些事件要么成就一个人,要么击垮一个人。C项“经受严峻考验和痛苦的突出品质”符合原文意思。因此选择C。
【解析】本题细节定位于第二段最后一句话“For emerging leaders, they do more making than breaking, providing key lessons to help a person move ahead confidently”。由此可知,对于新兴领导者而言,严酷的考验更能成就他们,而非击垮他们,为他们自信地前行提供关键的经验教训。B项“接受它,作为前进的有用经历”,符合原文意思。因此选择B。
【解析】本题细节定位于第三段第一句话“If a crucible helps a person to become a leader, there are four essential qualities that allow someone to remain one, according to the authors”。根据作者们的研究,如果说严酷的考验能帮助一个人成为一名领导者,那么保持领导地位则需要四种基本素质。由此可知,领导者必须具备一定的素质要求。A项与原文意思相符。B项只是这四种基本素质中的一种。C和D两项与原文意思正好相反。因此选择A。
Passage Five
【解析】本题细节定位于第一段第一句话“...the focus on medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease—especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behaviors”。由此可知,当今社会医疗保健的重点已经从治愈疾病向预防疾病转变了,特别是改变我们许多不健康的行为。因此选择C。
【解析】本题细节定位于第一段最后三句话“This person is not ill. He may not even be at risk for any particular disease. But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier”。由此可知,这个人没有生病,甚至也没有生病的风险,但是我们可以想象他还可以更健康一点。第一段中列举了亚健康的一些具体表现,最后指出,亚健康的人并没有生病,但却称不上健康,因为他还可以更健康一点。C、D两项在文中没有明确提到,而B项的意思与原文不符,原文认为亚健康状态并不是生病,而健康并不意味着只是没生病。因此选择A。
【解析】本题细节定位于第二段第一句话“The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely‘not ill’ and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body's special needs”。由此可知,传统医学界没有就“不生病”和“身体健康”做出明确的区分,只是关注身体的各项机能而已,即传统医学界认为“不生病”就是“身体健康”。因此选择D。
【解析】根据第二段第七句“In this new sense, if they make an effort to maintain the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations”,根据这种新定义,健康的人就应该指不管身体有何局限、只要努力追求最健康状态的人。原文中提到根据新定义,即使是那些患病或是有生理缺陷的人,也可以被认为是“健康”的人,下文也总结了这一点。因此选择C。
Part II Use of English
【解析】use的意思是“使用”,of habitual use意为“习惯性使用的”,符合题意。A项application表示“(理论知识等的)应用”,如:the application of new scientific discoveries新科学发现的应用,不合题意。C项utility和D项usage都跟“使用”有关,但utility的意思是“效用,实用”,usage的意思是“使用方式,用法”,均不合题意。B项正确。
【解析】field of specialization为固定说法,表示“专业领域”,因此选择A。
【解析】as it were为固定搭配,表示“似乎,可以说是”之意,选项B正确。as it is/was是“事实上,实际上”的意思,如:I hope things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse.我希望情况会好转,但实际上越来越糟。不合题意。因此选择B。
【解析】从上下文来看,此句的意思是对上文句意的递进,in addition to意为“除此之外”,故选项D正确。more than一般不可用来引导递进语义关系的状语,也不用于句首。
【解析】It is desirable+that+主语+should(可省略)+动词原形,因此选择C。
【解析】on one's own为固定搭配,意为“独立地,独自地”,符合题意,故选项D正确。of one's own意为“自己拥有的”,如a room of my own我自己的房间,不合题意。而for和by不与one's own搭配。
【解析】at speed意为“迅速地,高速地”,at high speed表示“急速地”。该句意为“他应当愿意独立工作,而且通常是高效地工作”,因此选择C。
【解析】四个选项中只有should能够提前,省略if,引导倒装分句,是表示与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,正常语序为:if his own language should not always prove...此处should表示可能性不大的假设,意为“假使,万一”。因此选择A。
【解析】have a nodding/bowing acquaintance with sth./sb. 是固定短语,意为“略通,初步了解”,因此选择B。
【解析】A项change表示事物本身的“改变,转变”,如:change the idea改变主意;B项transform表示事物外形、形态或结构上发生改变;C项turn一般表示“(方向、位置、性质或颜色的)变化”;D项switch表示在不同事物之间转变、转移或切换。这里指从一种语言转换到另外一种语言,因此D项更符合句意,故选择D。
【解析】(sth. is) required of sb. 为固定搭配,意思是“要求某人……”;A项lack“缺乏”,可做及物动词,直接接宾语;做不及物动词时常用于sb. be lacking in sth. 或sth be lacking结构;C项face“(使)面对”,为及物动词,可用于be faced with结构;D项confront的意思与face相近,表示“(使)碰到,(使)遇到”,为及物动词,常用于be confronted with结构,如:We are now confronted with many difficulties.我们现在面临着很多困难。因此选择B。
【解析】从意义上来看,C项表示“而不是”,符合句意。instead也表示“而不是”,但用法有误,应为instead of。advantage over为固定搭配,表示“在……方面占优势,……的有利条件”。所以A项也不合题意。因此选择C。
【解析】从上下文来看,but暗示语义的转折,另外单词luxury也暗示该技能是“奢侈品”而不是“必需品”。do away with“去掉”,表明译者并非一定需要该技能,符合文意。deal with也是一个词组,表示“对付,处理”,但用在此处语义不符。因此选择D。
【解析】词组be restricted to中的to是介词而不是不定式符号,需接名词或动名词,故A项正确。时态上没必要用完成时,所以B项不正确。
【解析】apply to表示“适用于”,the same applies to表示“(某事)同样如此”,正符合文意。refer to表示“提及,谈到,指”;amount to表示“达到,等于,相当于”;come to用法很多,如“达到,总计为,终于,结果是”等,均不符合文意。因此选择C。
【解析】it does not matter表示“不要紧,没关系”,正合文意,故A项正确。mind表示“介意,在意”,主语一般为人;harm为及物动词,用法错误;it does not work表示“不起作用,行不通”,不符合文意。因此选择A。
Part III Translation
Section A
Passage One
Passage Two
Section B
【译文】The beauty of scientific research lies in her marvellousness and significance that can never be measured by a universal standard. For you, a PhD student, what kind of research is“fascinating”, and then is “significant” and more suitable for you? Do you prefer hands-on or analysis? Observing accidental phenomena or quantitative research? Or complementing the last missing piece of theory or just opening up a new battlefield?
Certainly, it is probably that a PhD student is incapable of completely controlling his or her research topic, and still needs lots of input and help from the supervisor. However, I believe your research must bear your imprint. You should try to have your own ideas from the arrangement of a specific experiment, to the design of the experimental logic chain, and to the summary and refinement of the discovery. When you really go through a complete scientific research program, you will slowly begin to appreciate the beauty and excitement of scientific discovery.
Part IV Writing
Publication:Compulsory or Optional?
Nowadays both faculty and students often discuss whether PhD students should be required to publish articles on famous academic journals if they want to get the doctoral degree. Some believe that the major task of PhD students is to learn theoretical knowledge and enhance research skills. Therefore, it is unnecessary to ask them to publish the articles. In my opinion, a doctoral degree means that they have become experts in their fields, thus, it is their responsibility to make a contribution and publish the fruits.
Above all, we need to figure out what a doctoral degree means. A PhD is the highest degree offered by the university, and a PhD requires highly developed academic ability, independence and perseverance. Learning knowledge and practising research skills are important since you enter the university. However, it is not a primary goal for PhD students. If you are a PhD candidate, you must have had your bachelor and master degrees, which means you certainly have some knowledge and acquire basic research skills in your field. Then your task is to develop yourself into an expert in your field by supplementing more professional knowledge and further enhancing your research skills. Through 3 or 4 years' concentration in the field, you will be expected to have a breakthrough or find something new that can be called “achievement”. Therefore, it is very natural for you to publish your fruits on a journal and successfully end your life in the university.
In a word, publication, which represents learning outcomes, is necessary for PhD students. If you even can't publish an article in an academic journal, how can you call yourself an expert in your field? Then I have a reason to believe that your PhD career is not a success.