Lesson 11 The Bison[1], or American Buffalo[2]
The bison, or buffalo as it is popularly called in America, is now almost extinct as a wild animal, but as late as a hundred years ago it inhabited the great plains of North America and the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. There, vast flocks of the wild-looking animals, numbering often as many as ten thousand in a single herd[3], traveled over the prairies[4].
Let us look at the bison as he may still be seen in some Canadian park, his red eyes glowing like coals of fire amid the mass of dark-brown or black hair which hangs over his head and neck and the whole front part of his body, mingling with a beard that grows from the lower jaw to the knee.
From his very strange and heavy appearance, when seen at a distance, it would not be supposed that he is extremely active, capable of moving at a rapid rate, and of continuing his headlong career for a great distance. So sure of foot is he, also, that he can pass over ground where no horse could follow; his limbs being in reality slender,and his body far more finely built than would be supposed from its thick coating of hair.
While his thick coat protects him from the cold, he is also provided with a broad,strong, and tough nose, with which he can shovel[5] away the snow, and lay bare the grass on which he feeds.
Many tribes of Indians were indebted[6] to the bison for their means of living.It afforded them not only food, but materials for their tents, clothing, and domestic utensils[7]. Indeed, so entirely were the tribes of the far West dependent on the bison,that if it had been exterminated, the Indians would have perished.
Its flesh was their chief food. It was prepared in a variety of ways. When cut up into long pieces, and dried in the sun, it kept for a long time. It was also pounded with the fat of the animal and turned into a very nourishing food.
The Indians made use of the hide for many purposes. They took off the hair and tanned it, when it served them for coverings for their tents, and for the packs into which the buffalo meat was packed.
When carefully dressed, it was soft and waterproof[8], and was used for clothing by day and for bedding by night. Of the rougher parts they made saddles and halters, as well as shields which would resist an arrow, and even turn aside a bullet.
Indirectly, the hide was still more valuable to the Indians as the chief article of their trade with the whites. It was therefore the means by which they supplied themselves with knives, guns, blankets, and other useful articles.
Of the horns they made drinking-cups, powder-flasks, and other utensils. They made the sinews[9] into bow-strings and thread; the finer bones into needles, the broader into chisels; and of the ribs they made an ingenious and powerful kind of bow.
(521 words)
Ⅰ. How well did you read?
1. Bison chiefly inhabited the following regions EXCEPT___________.
A. the great plains of North America
B. the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains
C. the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains
2. Which of the statements is false about the bison?
A. Not a single bison can be found today.
B. Hair covers a large part of his body.
C. He can run very fast.
3. What use does the bison make of his broad nose?
A. He uses it to play with the snow.
B. He uses it to protect him from the cold.
C. He uses it to eat the grass.
4. Why were the Indians indebted to the bison?
A. Because the Indians owed them a lot of money.
B. Because the bison provided them with food, shelter, clothing, etc.
C. Because the bison protected them from the white people.
5. What uses were made of his skin?
A. He was used for the treatment of food.
B. He was used in battles.
C. Both A and B.
6. What can be inferred from the article?
A. The bones of the bison can be made into needles.
B. The Indians were responsible for the extinction of the bison.
C. The hide of the bison was considered valuable by the whites.
Ⅱ. Read for words.
1. Indirectly, the hide was still more valuable to the Indians as the chief article of their trade with the whites. (Para. 9, Line 1)
A. 文章 B. 商品 C. 物品
2. Of the rougher parts they made saddles and halters, as well as shields which would resist an arrow, and even turn aside a bullet. (Para. 8, Line 3)
A. protect people from
B. avoid
C. increase the power of
3. ...and tough nose, with which he can shovel away the snow, and lay bare the grass on which he feeds. (Para. 4, Line 2)
A. lie without wearing clothes
B. pick up
C. reveal and uncover
4. It was prepared in a variety of ways. (Para. 6, Line 1)
A. all kinds of B. a few C. old and new
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