Getting your work done in meetings
Meetings can be places where people do meaningful work, make plans, reach decisions, make commitments, and grow and develop and where everyone decides to get behind a task. Meetings can be gatherings in which people look forward to participating, even though they don’t have the time, even though the e-mails keep coming, even though no one can pick up the slack while they attend.
Changing meetings from time wasting to time valued from energy sapping to energy producing, requires a different approach to designing, leading, and contributing in meetings. It means a change in direction. It means making new choices. We invite you to learn how to
• Transform meetings into productive work experiences using the same work design principles that transformed factory work and made video games engaging
• Identify the habits that work for and against energy-producing, time-valued meetings
• Identify the critical choices that meeting designers, leaders, and contributors make that transform meetings into productive work experiences
• Create a meeting environment where everyone puts their paddle in the water