

“It's Friday again! Oh, I love weekends, ”shouted Sally. Friday was the day she and her cliqueclique n.小集团;小圈子 of friends hanged out at Pyramid Complex. They were Jenny, Aminah, Doris and Bee Choo.

The Sunway Complex was their meeting place every Friday afternoon after school. They had been waiting for this day the whole week.

The thought of meeting each other at the complex on Friday made them bearbear v.承受 homework and tuitiontuition n.指导;教学 throughout the week. Friday was their special day.

After school on Friday, they changed into their jeansjeans n.牛仔裤 and T-shirts. Then, they made their way to the Sunway Complex. They usually went to the first floor. From that level, they could look at the escalatorescalator n.自动扶梯. They could see who was coming and leaving.

Since they were seen hanging aroundhang around逗留;闲荡 in the shopping complex on Friday, they were called the “Pyramid Kids” by the shop owners. So, it was by that name they were identifiedidentify v.说明身份;显示.

It was common to hear them ask each other, “Have you seen the ‘Pyramid Kids' today? ”

They were not doing any shopping at all. The complex was just a meeting place. There, they would talk about their school and friends.

One of them would say, “Do you know what happenedhappen v.发生 in my class today? ”

Without waiting for an answer, another one would go on to describedescribe v.描述 what the teacher said and did that week. So everyone was gossipinggossip v.说长道短 about their classmates and teachers. The activity seemed purposelesspurposeless adj.无目的的;无意义的. But, to the “Pyramid Kids”, it was their Friday outing.“Everyone has to be somewhere, so Pyramid Complex is our centralcentral adj.主要的;首要的 point, ” sang out Jenny. She was the leader of the “Spicy Girls” group.

They were all students from Fairview School, a school known for its outgoingoutgoing adj.乐观开朗的 female students.

The group was so called because the girls tried to imitateimitate v.模仿 the hairstyles and dressing of the famous group “Spice Girls”. They were fans of this singing group.

At times, the girls even tried to walk and talk like their pop idolsidol n.偶像. Their activity caused much laughter from the shop tenantstenant n.租户 and shoppers who watched them with amusement.

The boys from Wellington School would watch and commentcomment v.评论. Some even whistledwhistle v.吹口哨. They then whispered into each other's ears that so and so had a funny walk. So and so giggledgiggle v.咯咯笑 too much. So and so's hairstyle today looked funny. And all the boys would end up sighing and saying, “Girls....”