Constructing Regional Public Goods in Northeast Asia under the North Korean Nuclear Crisis
Qiu Fahua
Abstruct For a long time, the issues regarding the North Korea's nuclear program have never been resolved. The complex situation of the Korean Peninsula has largely hindered the development of the regional cooperation of the Northeast Asia, suggestive of the lack of safety public goods in the area. Although the six-party talks aiming at resolving the Korean nuclear issue possess the properties of the regional public goods in the creation of the target, the ranking of party involved, punishment mechanism and the performance of the mechanism, there is no significant progress within this mechanism framework. To restart the six-party talks and construct the Northeast Asia regional public goods, we should focus on target cohesion, function design, and other aspects of China's role to make the mechanism more effective. Assessing the efficacy of the six-party talks and analyzing the development trend on the basis of the theory of regional public goods would be the new perspective in the study of the security cooperation in Northeast Asia.
Keywords regional public goods; the North Korea's nuclear issue; the six-party talks