Section III Writing
Part A

To whom it may concern,
As a student who can support myself, I am writing to request if you can help me find a potential beneficiary of Project Hope.
I wonder whether it is convenient for you if two things regarding the child are taken into account. First, the child should come from Sichuan Province because I intend to help a child from my hometown. Second, it will be better if he or she is a primary school student who was forced to drop school because of abject poverty.
I would like to help the recipient of my assistance annually until he or she graduates from college. Firstly, the money will cover his or her tuition fee and other expenses at school. Besides, I will correspond with him or her frequently so that he or she can seek advice whenever he or she needs. Your prompt attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
本文共写了八句话,使用了九个从句,143个单词。这是一封公务信函,应使用正式文体,避免使用缩略形式和口语表达,称呼使用了比较正式的To whom it may concern。
第一段只写了一句话,开门见山进行自我介绍,说明写作目的,避免使用太多套话。考研大纲中明确规定应用文可以使用提纲中的关键词,但照搬使用提纲中的词组或句子将被扣分。因此提纲中的ask和candidate被替换成request和potential beneficiary等较为正式的词汇,避免使用太多口语词汇。
第二段采用总分结构,设定了主题句,并采用了经典的take...into account, intend to等正式词组。其后分两方面介绍自己的想法,如被资助的儿童须来自四川,另外希望这个孩子正在上小学。特别注意公务信函不太讲究起承转合的复杂表达,“首先/其次”等使用普通的关联词就可以了。由于自己提出了要求,所以语言需要委婉。
第三段同样采用了总分结构,结构清晰,层次分明。在段首句之后,分别用“firstly”和“besides”来衔接上下文。计划也非常明确,就是负担学杂费和经常联系,同时使用了recipient, assistance, correspond, frequently等较为正式的词汇。信函的结尾就是常规的表示感谢和期待回信,句型简单。
potential 潜在的
beneficiary 受益人
intend to 打算
recipient 受助人
assistance 帮助
correspond 联系
I wonder whether it is convenient for you 我想知道您是否方便
take into account 考虑到
1. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of being accepted as a graduate student in your university upon my graduation. 我现在写信询问是否可以毕业后被录取为贵校的研究生。
2. I shall be glad to furnish you with any further information concerning my education and professional experience. 我很乐意为您提供更多有关我个人学习和工作经历的情况。
3. I would greatly appreciate it if you would forward the necessary materials and relevant information at your earliest convenience. 如您能尽快转寄给我所需的有关材料,我将不胜感激。
4. I would be grateful if you would be so kind as to provide me with certain essential information regarding the following aspects. 如您能为我提供有关以下方面的重要信息,我将不胜感激。
5. I would be much obliged to you if you could let me know the procedures I have to go through.如果您能告知我那些必须办理的手续,我将不胜感激。
6. Could you be so kind as to send me some relevant booklets on the above-mentioned aspects? 您能否寄给我一些有关上述方面的小册子呢?
Dear Sir or Madam,
Moved by the noble cause of Project Hope and encouraged by what has been achieved so far, I would like to contribute my bit to the project by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area of your province.
I would be much grateful if you could help me seek out a girl who has just started schooling but whose family cannot afford her education. My plan is to pay for her tuition on an annual basis till she finishes her secondary education. I would like to remit my donation directly to a bank account opened by her family in her local area.
Yours truly,
Li Ming
第二段共三句,首句改写前两点提纲,请求帮助寻找候选人并具体说明帮助哪类孩子;第二、三句改写第三点提纲,说明如何执行捐助计划。文中使用了seek out, afford one’s education, tuition, annual, secondary education, remit donation, bank account等精彩表达,同时使用了would like to和be grateful等委婉用语。被动语态、并列结构、主系表结构、宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句和分词短语的大量使用也为本文增色不少。
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a third year student majoring in history at the Beijing Normal University and seek your assistance to help me______.
This year, I want to______, so I______. This is the reason I seek your help in______.
I am not exactly sure of the______related to______and would appreciate it if you could send me the details for______. Thank you in anticipation of your assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
Suppose you are a college student, write an email to apply for a student loan.
Write your letter in no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter; use“Li Ming”instead.
Don’t write the address. (10 points)
Part B

我们一分为二,可以肯定年轻人的热情,但是一定要引导年轻人的崇拜方式。大多数同学的构思没有什么问题,分三段,第一段描述图画,第二段阐述社会现象、分析原因,第三段表明观点、进行评论。真正能够让大家拉分的关键应该是在用词和句子结构的表达方面,这是历年考研作文拉分的最大关键。比如偶像崇拜怎么表达很关键,其实有很多单词可以表达,比如worship, idolatry, excessive admiration for heroes等等,最好在文章不同段用不同的表达。
The pictures above vividly reflect the passionate idol worship among Chinese young people. In picture one, a very dedicated fan who, in support of the popular British football superstar, has written David Beckham’s name on his face. The other photo depicts a man in a barbershop, asking his hair stylist to give him the same hairstyle as Beckham. For this service, he will pay 300 RMB.
It is not uncommon for the youth to have superstars as their idols. Beckham represents the image of celebrities whose smart appearance and unparalleled football skills are excessively admired by many sports fans. Similarly, several teenagers won their fame overnight in the 2005 Super Girl Contest in China, which provoked nationwide debates on the value and harm of adoring these idols. Under these circumstances, their fanatical feelings are expressed, yet in unguided ways.
In my view, idol worship, the thought-provoking social phenomenon, is a double-edged sword which can profoundly influence the growth of young people. If they continue to unreasonably articulate their love, not only money and time would be wasted, but also their study or work be negatively influenced. By contrast, if they are taught to endeavor to learn from their heroes by improving themselves, the youth will have a more promising future.
vividly 生动地
passionate 狂热的
idol worship 偶像崇拜
dedicated 投入的
in support of 支持
celebrity 名人
smart appearance 英俊的外表
unparalleled football skills 超凡的球技
excessively 非常
provoke 引发
nationwide 全国性的
value and harm 利与弊
fanatical 狂热的
unguided 没有引导的
double-edged sword 双刃剑
profoundly 深刻地
unreasonably 毫无理性地
articulate 表达
negatively 负面地
by contrast 相反
endeavor 努力
improve oneself 提升自我
promising 有前途的
under these circumstances 在这些情况下
thought-provoking social phenomenon 发人深思的社会现象
1. How would you like to be hounded by reporters and photographers every time you stepped outside your front door? 你愿意每次一踏出家门就有记者和摄影师对你穷追不舍吗?
2. During the Monica Lewensky scandal in President Clinton’s administration, the people in the United States were inundated with non-stop reporting. 在克林顿执政时的莫妮卡·莱温斯基事件中,美国大众几乎被无休止的绯闻报道所淹没。
3. The media should devote more coverage to the“unsung heroes”in every society, those who quietly give of their time, talents and finances, to help humanity. 媒体应该更多报道那些“无名英雄”,他们无处不在,总是默默地为人类奉献着自己的时间、智慧和金钱。
The two photos show that people are enthusiastic about football stars such as the English football player Beckham. Some, like the young man in the photo, express their enthusiasm by writing his name on their faces, while others, like the one in the hair studio, spend as much as 300 yuan for a hair style modeling on that of Beckham.
In fact, that kind of star-worshipping is not uncommon nowadays among the Chinese people. For example, the so-called“Super Girls”become fashionable almost overnight, with fans chasing after them in a kind of blind worship. It seems as if people are badly in need of someone to whom to pay their respect, and to realize their own aspirations of an immediate success or stardom.
Famous football players won our favor and earned our respect by their hard work and excellent performance on the football field. What, then, deserves to be worshipped, their diligence and perseverance, or their hairstyle and ways of living? The answer seems self-evident: what we should learn is their spirit, not the superficial styles of living. Fashion is often short-lived, but the ever-lasting memory of a courageous, undaunted and skillful football player is what inspires us in our pursuit for better life and brighter future.
本文得分20分,是当年教育部《考试分析》公布的满分范文,也是当年的“写作状元”。全文共三段,九句,首段描述图画,共两句,总分结构。首句是主题句,总体描述图画,概括了两幅图片的主题,使用了主谓宾句型、宾语从句及主系表结构。第二句挖掘细节词、串连成句,将两幅图画中的人物、动作、环境等细节一网打尽,解释了图画的文字说明,同时使用了并列句型以及介词短语作插入语和状语。首段句型丰富多变,并使用了are enthusiastic和express enthusiasm进行同义替换。
第二段是意义阐释,共三句,总分总结构。首句承上启下,进行过渡,使用了表示强调关系的段间关联词和双重否定表示肯定的精彩表达。第二句举例论证,引用了2005年轰动全国的超女大赛,阐明偶像崇拜的现状,使用了主系表结构、介词短语作伴随状语和独立主格结构。第三句说明偶像崇拜的两点原因:表达敬意并满足渴望,使用了物称代词作主语、不定式短语和并列结构。同时,第二段使用了star-worshipping, become fashionable overnight, chase after, realize aspiration, stardom等精彩表达,表明作者基本功扎实,语言功底较好。
尾段归纳结论,共四句,总分总结构,首句承上启下,使用了won our favor, earned our respect以及hard work, excellent performance两组并列结构。第二、三句使用了设问的修辞手法,自问自答引起阅卷教师的注意,将足球明星的“diligence and perseverance”与“hairstyle and ways of living”进行对比,给读者造成强烈的反差。第三句提出作者的观点和结论;第四句展望未来,使用了并列句、平行排比和表语从句等精彩表达。同时,第三段使用了superficial, ever-lasting, courageous, undaunted等诸多高难度词汇。
The photos vividly depict that nowadays many people, especially, young fellows are tracing such fashion. The first one signed the name of Beckham on his left face, while the second one asked the hairdresser to copy the hair style of Beckham with about 300 yuan. Both of them are typical fans of the well-known British football player—Beckham.
This kind of social phenomenon is not entirely a coincidence. There are reasons accounting for this fashion. Firstly, with the rapid development of society, some people feel dull and desperate about the reality, so they desire to find some famous people as their idols. In this way, they feel satisfied with their life and have a goal to achieve. Secondly, just opposite to the above, others are just fashion tracers. They barely want to show that they are keeping step with the fashion. Thirdly, some people even don’t have any special purpose but to do it as others. In their deep heart, they don’t treat it as fashion but as fun.
Frankly speaking, this social phenomenon is very dangerous to the whole society. Some young men spend most of their time decorating themselves as their idols. As a result, they don’t have enough time to study or work, then they are always left behind. Moreover, it is harmful to the establishment of a harmonious society.
To draw a conclusion, we don’t deny that people should have their idols to admire, but in a sensible way. They can learn from what they have achieved and try to behave that way. And also parents should give proper advice to their children to form a proper outlook of the world.
It could be said that______. This does not mean, however,______. As is depicted in the cartoon, a large number of people are______.
Much of the media, be it television, newspapers or the Internet, is primarily motivated by sales and profits. For some, their mission is not only to report the news, but also to create news, and the more exciting the better, in order to stimulate sales. To this end, the private lives of celebrities and public figures become fair game. A prime example of the media exploring the personal life of a public figure is that of the late Princess Diana. She was unmercifully hounded by the press, and could not have a private moment outside the confines of dwelling. It caused her much unhappiness during her lifetime and, sadly, it can even be said it led to the end of her life as well. It is well known that the car chase by the reporters led to the car accident which took her life.
In conclusion, if the media were to give less emphasis to______, they would enable these people to______.
Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
1) describe the drawing briefly,
2) explain its intended meaning, and
3) give your comments.
