i-SUITE Hotel
享受生活,彰显自我Enjoy Life, Express Oneself

设计师:Simone Micheli
设计公司:Simone Micheli Architectural Hero

i-SUITE takes its inspiraton from the changes, from the thrust of a light ray fltering and thorough views from the glass. The furnishing is not rectlinear. There is a contrast between static state and dynamic state. It epitomizes the city of Rimini which does not make any stops and does not want to sleep. I aimed at shedding a new light on the hotel sector. We designed the plan that underlines lightness and purity by using glass. We used soft colors to conciliate the sunshine, while white rippled walls like sinuous dresses beckoning the guest to follow them.
I aim at making a main focus that stirs up senses by means of shapes, images, colors, lights, materials and by creating a scenario hovering among transcendence and immanence, concreteness and abstraction, dream and reality. Nowadays living in a luxurious space means being able to love and being loved in a genuine and absolute way. It means being surrounded by simplicity and having our attention drawn by a grass blade waving in the wind. It means regaining the truth of life, living by appreciating the beauty of each day. It means reconsidering, dreaming, starting to love again without asking anything back, and giving without having anything back. It means building without destroying, and creatng processes with a strong ethical sense and generators of healthy beauty.

