第2章 Lesson 2: Let's Save Water
All people, animals, and plants need fresh, clean water to live. However, we sometimes waste our clean water.
There are many things we can do to protect our supply of fresh, clean water. Make sure that the kitchen sink tap is not running when you help wash the dishes. Put a plug in the kitchen sink and fill it with water instead.
You can also save water in the bathroom. Try this: fill a glass with water. Then shut off the tap. Wet your toothbrush. Brush your teeth. Then use the water in the glass to rinse your mouth. Pour the rest of the water over your toothbrush to rinse it off.
It is important to take care of our fresh water supply. Let's save water. Let's not waste it!
I. Word List
waste: use in a way that makes no sense
save: use less of something
tap: a metal thing in the kitchen or bathroom that water comes out of
rinse: to clean with water
II. Are these good ways to save water at home? Write Y (yes) or N (no).
___ 1. Fill the kitchen sink with water and wash the dishes with the water.
___ 2. Do not water your plants.
___ 3. Shut off the tap when you are brushing your teeth.
___ 4. Drink less water.
___ 5. Do not make ice cubes with water.
___ 6. Do not leave the tap running when you are washing the dishes.
III. Wrong spelling! These words from the story are spelled wrong. Spell them correctly!
1. _____________: plantes
2. _____________: bathrom:
3. _____________: toothblush
4. _____________: rines
5. _____________: suppliy
6. _____________: watse
IV. What's the word? Fill in the correct word from the story.
1. Everybody needs to drink _ _ _ _ _ to live.
2. We should try to _ _ _ _ water, not waste it.
3. We can save water in the kitchen and the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
4. We can save water when we brush our _ _ _ _ _.
5. Water comes out of a _ _ _.