第13章 Lesson 13: Who Invented the Sandwich?
Schoolchildren in some countries often eat sandwiches. However, there is some argument about who thought of putting food between two slices of bread.
Some people think it was a man named John Montagu. He was a man who lived in England a long time ago. He lived in a town called Sandwich.
This man loved to play card games. Once he was so busy playing cards, he did not want to stop to eat. He asked his cook to put some meat between two slices of bread so he could eat and play cards at the same time. So, John Montagu ate the world's first sandwich.
However, the people of France do not believe this story. They say that French farm workers and travellers would often prepare meat or fish between two slices of bread, but they did not have a special name for it.
I. Word List
invent: a person who invents something is the first to make it
sandwich: two slices of bread with a filling of meat, cheese and other food between them
II. What's the word? Choose the correct word from the reading.
1. We use two slices to make a sandwich: b _ _ _ _
2. If we have many things to do, we are very _______. b _ _ _
3. There is a town in England named _______. S _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. There is usually meat or f _ _ _ in a sandwich.
5. John Montagu loved to play c _ _ _ games.
III. Answer the following questions.
1. Why do some people think John Montagu ate the world's first sandwich?
2. Why do people in France not believe John Montagu's story?
3. Which story do you believe? Why?
4. Do you like to eat sandwiches? Why or why not?
5. What do you usually eat for lunch?
IV. Word groups—Fill in the missing words from the story.
1. the names of two countries: E _ _ _ _ _ _, F _ _ _ _ _
2. the names of three kinds of food: b _ _ _ _, m _ _ _ , f _ _ _
3. the names of three kinds of people: s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ _, t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _