Gathering at Laoshan Mountain
It is getting warm again during early spring. Thousands of egrets migrate from the south to the north. The first-class environment, such as Daji Resorts and the Botanical Garden, become the preferred habitat of the egrets, with chirping lasts for days.
The egret is gregarious. Different species of herons often nest on the same tree, but not disturb each other. Occasionally, in order to reinforce their nests, some egrets steal dry woods when adult birds in other nests are absenct.
During the courtship and breeding season, with stunning feathers, the lore turns bright. Like a couple, egrets shows the most beautiful side of themselves during their honeymoon.
Egrets carry out the monogamy. Once the courtship is successful, nothing, ever can change their love.

千里寻根 Searching for the Family Root

A Long Way Home 游子归乡

Two Egrets in Daji 大吉双娇

白羽夕照 Egret at the Sunset

Flash in the Sky 剑击长空

A Hope for Home 凝目以盼