第6章 我的家庭(4)
Since my duties with my pupils did not take up all my time,I organized a small class for the children of the village who could not be educated under the Russian government.In this the oldest daughter of the house aided me.We taught the little children and the girls who wished to come how to read and write,and we put in circulation Polish books which were appreciated,too,by the parents.Even this innocent work presented danger,as all initiative of this kind was forbidden by the government and might bring imprisonment or deportation to Siberia.
My evenings I generally devoted to study.I had heard that a few women had succeeded in following certain courses in Petrograd or in foreign countries,and I was determined to prepare myself by preliminary work to follow their example.
I had not yet decided what path I would choose.I was as much interested in literature and sociology as in science.However,during these years of isolated work,trying little by little to find my real preferences,I finally turned towards mathematics and physics,and resolutely undertook a serious preparation for future work.This work I proposed doing in Paris,and I hoped to save enough money to be able to live and work in that city for some time.
My solitary study was beset with difficulties.The scientific education I had received at the lyceum was very incomplete;it was well under the bachelorship program of a French lyceum;I tried to add to it in my own way,with the help of books picked up at random.This method could not be greatly productive,yet it was not without results.I acquired the habit of independent work,and learned a few things which were to be of use later on.
I had to modify my plans for the future when my eldest sister decided to go to Paris to study medicine.We had promised each other mutual aid,but our means did not permit of our leaving together.So I kept my position for three and a half years,and,having finished my work with my pupils,I returned to Warsaw,where a position,similar to the one I had left,was awaiting me.
I kept this new place for only a year and then went back to my father,who had retired some time before and was living alone.Together we passed an excellent year,he occupying himself with some literary work,while I increased our funds by giving private lessons.Meantime I continued my efforts to educate myself.This was no easy task under the Russian government of Warsaw;yet I found more opportunities than in the country.To my great joy,I was able,for the first time in my life,to find access to a laboratory:a small municipal physical laboratory directed by one of my cousins.I found little time to work there,except in the evenings and on Sundays,and was generally left to myself.I tried out various experiments described in treatises on physics and chemistry,and the results were sometimes unexpected.At times I would be encouraged by a little unhoped-for success,at others I would be in the deepest despair because of accidents and failures resulting from my inexperience.But on the whole,though I was taught that the way of progress is neither swift nor easy,this first trial confirmed in me the taste for experimental research in the fields of physics and chemistry.
Other means of instruction came to me through my being one of an enthusiastic group of young men and women of Warsaw,who united in a common desire to study,and whose activities were at the same time social and patriotic.It was one of those groups of Polish youths who believed that the hope of their country lay in a great effort to develop the intellectual and moral strength of the nation,and that such an effort would lead to a better national situation.The nearest purpose was to work at one's own instruction and to provide means of instruction for workmen and peasants.In accordance with this program we agreed among ourselves to give evening courses,each one teaching what he knew best.There is no need to say that this was a secret organization,which made everything extremely difficult.There were in our group very devoted young people who,as I still believe today,could do truly useful work.
I have a bright remembrance of the sympathetic intellectual and social companionship which I enjoyed at that time.Truly the means of action were poor and the results obtained could not be considerable;yet I still believe that the ideas which inspired us then are the only way to real social progress.You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals.To that end each of us must work for his own improvement,and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity,our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.