You see, George, he asked me not to.But she's got a way with her that would make Old Nick confess his sins, if she set out to larn 'em.I was sort of ashamed after I told her and I explained to her that I hadn't ought to done it.'But I guess it's all right now, anyway,' I says.'If there was any trouble along of George and that stock I cal'late it's all over.He acted dreadful worried for a spell, but for the week afore he was married he seemed chipper as ever.Biggest change in him you ever see,' says I.'So my tellin'
you is all right, I guess,' I says.'I'm sure it's all right,'
says she, and her face kind of lighted up, as you might say.When she looked at me that way I'd have given her my house and lot, if she'd wanted 'em, though you needn't tell my old woman that I said so.He! he! 'Of course it's all right,' she says.'But you had better not tell anyone else.We'll have it for our secret, won't we, Mr.Cahoon?' she says, smilin'.'Sartin we will,' says I.
And--well, by thunder!" as if the thought occurred to him for the first time."I said that, and now I've been and blatted out the whole business to you! I am the DARNDEST fool!"I did not contradict him.I was too angry and disturbed even to speak to him for the moment.And, before I could speak, we were interrupted.The young lady herself appeared in the doorway.SHEhad not slept, that was plain.Her face was pale and there were dark shadows beneath her eyes.As I looked at her I was more ashamed of my own unpremeditated nap than ever.Yet she was, as the doctor had said, calm and uncomplaining.She even smiled as she greeted us.
"Good morning," she said."Your breakfast is ready, Mr.Cahoon.Iknow you feel that you must be getting back to your work at the station."Phineas pulled out an enormous nickel watch and glanced at it.
"Land sakes! most six, ain't it," he exclaimed."I guess you're right.I'll have to be trottin' along.But you needn't fuss for no breakfast for me.I'm used to missin' a meal's vittles now and again and I et enough last night to last me one spell."He was hurrying from the room, but she would not let him go.
"There has been no 'fuss' whatever, Mr.Cahoon," she said.
"Breakfast is ready, here in the library.And yours is ready, too, Mr.Paine.I hope your few minutes' sleep has rested you.I am sorry you woke so soon.I told Johnson to be careful and not disturb you.""I deserve to be shot for sleeping at all," I declared, in self reproach."I did not mean to.I lay down for a moment and--well, I suppose I was rather tired.""I know.Last night's experience was enough to tire anyone.""Nonsense! It was no worse for me than for you," I said.
"Yes, it was.You had the care and the responsibility.I, you see, knew that I was well guarded.Besides, I slept for hours this morning.Come, both of you.Breakfast is ready."Phineas was already seated at the table, glancing over his shoulder at the butler, whose look of dignified disgust at being obliged to wait upon a countryman in his shirt sleeves would have been funny, if I had been in a mood for fun.I don't know which was the more uncomfortable, Cahoon or the butler.
"Won't you join us, Miss Colton?" I asked.
"Why--why, yes, perhaps I will, if you don't mind.I am not hungry but I will take a cup of coffee, Johnson."Phineas did almost all the talking while he remained with us, which was not long.He swallowed his breakfast in a tremendous hurry, a proceeding which still further discomposed the stately Johnson, and then rose and put on his coat.
"I hate to leave you short handed and on a lee shore, Miss," he explained, apologetically; "but I know you understand how 'tis with me.My job's all I've got and I'll have to hang onto it.The up train's due in forty minutes and I've got to be on hand at the deepo.However, I've got that Davis feller's address and I'll raise him the first thing to send his messages to me and I'll get 'em right down here by the reg'lar telephone.He can use that--what-do-you-call-it?--that code thing, if he's scart of anybody's findin' out what he says.The boss school-marm of all creation couldn't read that gibberish without the book."I hated to have him go, but there was no alternative.After he had gone and she and I were left together at the table a sense of restraint seemed to fall upon us both.To see her sitting opposite me at the table, pouring my coffee and breakfasting with me in this intimate, family fashion, was so wonderful and strange that I could think of nothing else.It reminded me, in a way, of our luncheon at Seabury's Pond, but that had been out of doors, an impromptu picnic, with all a picnic's surroundings.This was different, quite different.It was so familiar, so homelike, so conventional, and yet, for her and me, so impossible.I looked at her and she, looking up at the moment, caught my eyes.The color mounted to her cheeks.I felt my own face flushing.Dorinda--practical, unromantic Dorinda--had guessed my feeling for this girl; Mother had divined it.It was plain enough for anyone to read.I glanced apprehensively at the butler, half expecting to see upon his clerical countenance the look of scornful contempt which would prove that he, too, was possessed of the knowledge.But he merely bent forward with a deferential, "Yes, sir.What is it?" and Imeekly requested another roll.Then I began, desperately, to talk.
I inquired about Mr.Colton's condition and was told that he was, or appeared to be, a trifle better.Mrs.Colton was, at last, thanks to the doctor's powders, asleep.Johnson left the room for the moment and I switched to the subject which neither of us had mentioned since the night before, the Louisville and Transcontinental muddle.I explained what had been done and pretended a confidence which I did not feel that everything would end well.She listened, but, it seemed to me, she was not as interested as I expected.At length she interrupted me.