第2章 18th March,1833
DEAR SIR,-As yourself and Mr.Brandram expressed a desire to hear from me occasionally concerning my progress in Mandchou,I now write to inform you that I am advancing at full gallop,and am able to translate with pleasure and facility the specimens of the best authors who have written in the language contained in the compilation of Klaproth.But I must confess that the want of a Grammar has been,particularly in the beginning of my course,a great clog to my speed,and I have little doubt that had I been furnished with one I should have attained my present knowledge of Mandchou in half the time.I was determined however not to be discouraged,and,not having a hatchet at hand to cut down the tree with,to attack it with my knife;and I would advise every one to make the most of the tools which happen to be in his possession,until he can procure better ones,and it is not improbable that by the time the good tools arrive he will find he has not much need of them,having almost accomplished his work.This is not exactly my case,for I shall be very glad to receive this same tripartite Grammar which Mr.Brandram is hunting for,my ideas respecting Mandchou construction being still very vague and wandering,and Ishould also be happy if you could and would procure for me the original grammatical work of Amyot,printed in the MEMOIRES,etc.
Present my kind regards to Mr.Hattersley,and thank him in my name for his kind letter,but at the same time tell him that I was sorry to learn that he was putting himself to the trouble of transferring into Mandchou characters the specimens which Amyot has given in Roman,as there was no necessity for it in respect to myself,a mere tran being quite sufficient to convey the information Iwas in need of.Assure him likewise that I am much disposed to agree with him in his opinion of Amyot's Dictionary,which he terms in his letter 'something not very first-rate,'for the Frenchman's translations of the Mandchou words are anything but clear and satisfactory,and being far from literal,frequently leave the student in great doubt and perplexity.
I have sent to my brother one copy of St.Luke's Gospel with a letter;the postage was 15s.5d.My reason for sending only one was,that the rate of postage increases with the weight,and that the two Gospels can go out much cheaper singly than together.The other I shall dispatch next month.
I subjoin a translation from the Mandchou,as I am one of those who do not wish people to believe words but works;and as I have had no Grammar,and been only seven weeks at a language which Amyot says ONE MAY ACQUIRE IN FIVE OR SIX YEARS,I thought you might believe my account of my progress to be a piece of exaggeration and vain boasting.The translation is from the Mongol History,which,not being translated by Klaproth,I have selected as most adapted to the present occasion;I must premise that I translate as I write,and if there be any inaccuracies,as I daresay there will,some allowance must be made for haste,which prevents my devoting the attention necessary to a perfectly correct rendering of the text.
I will conclude by observing that I believe myself at present competent to edit any book in Mandchou,IF THAT BE WHAT IS WANTED,and beg leave to remain,dear Sir,your obedient humble servant,GEORGE BORROW.