第58章 The White Doe(4)
'So she had come!' cried he, throwing down the bow he had been pretending to mend.'Well, was I not right? Is she not a miracle of beauty and grace? And has she her equal in the whole world?' The ministers looked at each other, and made no reply; till at length the chamberlain, who was the bolder of the two, observed:
'My lord, as to her beauty, you can judge of that for yourself.No doubt it is as great as you say; but at present it seems to have suffered, as is natural, from the fatigues of the journey.'
This was certainly not what the prince had expected to hear.Could the portrait have flattered her? He had known of such things before, and a cold shiver ran through him; but with an effort he kept silent from further questioning, and only said:
'Has the king been told that the princess is in the palace?'
'Yes, highness; and he has probably already joined her.'
'Then I will go too,' said the prince.
Weak as he was from his long illness, the prince descended the staircase, supported by the ministers, and entered the room just in time to hear his father's loud cry of astonishment and disgust at the sight of Cerisette.
'There was been treachery at work,' he exclaimed, while the prince leant, dumb with horror, against the doorpost.But the lady in waiting, who had been prepared for something of the sort, advanced, holding in her hand the letters which the king and queen had entrusted to her.
'This is the princess Desiree,' said she, pretending to have heard nothing, 'and I have the honour to present to you these letters from my liege lord and lady, together with the casket containing the princess'
The king did not move or answer her; so the prince, leaning on the arm of Becasigue, approached a little closer to the false princess, hoping against hope that his eyes had deceived him.But the longer he looked the more he agreed with his father that there was treason somewhere, for in no single respect did the portrait resemble the woman before him.Cerisette was so tall that the dress of the princess did not reach her ankles, and so thin that her bones showed through the stuff.
Besides that her nose was hooked, and her teeth black and ugly.
In his turn, the prince stood rooted to the spot.At last he spoke, and his words were addressed to his father, and not to the bride who had come so far to marry him.
'We have been deceived,' he said, 'and it will cost me my life.' And he leaned so heavily on the envoy that Becasigue feared he was going to faint, and hastily laid him on the floor.For some minutes no one could attend to anybody but the prince; but as soon as he revived the lady in waiting made herself heard.
'Oh, my lovely princess, why did we ever leave home?' cried she.'But the king your father will avenge the insults that have been heaped on you when we tell him how you have been treated.'
'I will tell him myself,' replied the king in wrath; 'he promised me a wonder of beauty, he has sent me a skeleton! I am not surprised that he has kept her for fifteen years hidden away from the eyes of the world.Take them both away,' he continued, turning to his guards, 'and lodge them in the state prison.There is something more I have to learn of this matter.'
His orders were obeyed, and the prince, loudly bewailing his sad fate, was led back to bed, where for many days he lay in a high fever.At length he slowly began to gain strength, but his sorrow was still so great that he could not bear the sight of a strange face, and shuddered at the notion of taking his proper part in the court ceremonies.
Unknown to the king, or to anybody but Becasigue, he planned that, as soon as he was able, he would make his escape and pass the rest of his life alone in some solitary place.It was some weeks before he had regained his health sufficiently to carry out his design; but finally, one beautiful starlight night, the two friends stole away, and when the king woke next morning he found a letter lying by his bed, saying that his son had gone, he knew not whither.He wept bitter tears at the news, for he loved the prince dearly; but he felt that perhaps the young man had done wisely, and he trusted to time and Becasigue's influence to bring the wanderer home.
And while these things were happening, what had become of the white doe? Though when she sprang from the carriage she was aware that some unkind fate had changed her into an animal, yet, till she saw herself in a stream, she had no idea what it was.
'Is it really, I, Desiree?' she said to herself, weeping.'What wicked fairy can have treated me so; and shall I never, never take my own shape again? My only comfort that, in this great forest, full of lions and serpents, my life will be a short one.'
Now the fairy Tulip was as much grieved at the sad fate of the princess as Desiree's own mother could have been if she had known of it.Still, she could not help feeling that if the king and queen had listened to her advice the girl would by this time be safely in the walls of her new home.However, she loved Desiree too much to let her suffer more than could be helped, and it was she who guided Eglantine to the place where the white doe was standing, cropping the grass which was her dinner.
At the sound of footsteps the pretty creature lifted her head, and when she saw her faithful companion approaching she bounded towards her, and rubbed her head on Eglantine's shoulder.The maid of honour was surprised; but she was fond of animals, and stroked the white doe tenderly, speaking gently to her all the while.Suddenly the beautiful creature lifted her head, and looked up into Eglantine's face, with tears streaming from her eyes.A thought flashed through her mind, and quick as lightning the girl flung herself on her knees, and lifting the animal's feet kissed them one by one.'My princess! O my dear princess!' cried she; and again the white doe rubbed her head against her, for thought the spiteful fairy had taken away her power of speech, she had not deprived her of her reason!