Can it be, I asked myself, that he is not visible to other eyes than mine? It was like being haunted.Motionless, with a grave face, he raised his hands slightly at me in a gesture which meant clearly, "Heavens! what a narrow escape!"Narrow indeed.I think I had come creeping quietly as near insanity as any man who has not actually gone over the border.
That gesture restrained me, so to speak.
The mate with the terrific whiskers was now putting the ship on the other tack.In the moment of profound silence which follows upon the hands going to their stations I heard on the poop his raised voice: "Hard alee!" and the distant shout of the order repeated on the main-deck.The sails, in that light breeze, made but a faint fluttering noise.
It ceased.The ship was coming round slowly: I held my breath in the renewed stillness of expectation; one wouldn't have thought that there was a single living soul on her decks.
A sudden brisk shout, "Mainsail haul!" broke the spell, and in the noisy cries and rush overhead of the men running away with the main brace we two, down in my cabin, came together in our usual position by the bed place.
He did not wait for my question."I heard him fumbling here and just managed to squat myself down in the bath," he whispered to me.
"The fellow only opened the door and put his arm in to hang the coat up.
All the same--"
"I never thought of that," I whispered back, even more appalled than before at the closeness of the shave, and marveling at that something unyielding in his character which was carrying him through so finely.There was no agitation in his whisper.
Whoever was being driven distracted, it was not he.He was sane.
And the proof of his sanity was continued when he took up the whispering again.
"It would never do for me to come to life again."It was something that a ghost might have said.But what he was alluding to was his old captain's reluctant admission of the theory of suicide.
It would obviously serve his turn--if I had understood at all the view which seemed to govern the unalterable purpose of his action.
"You must maroon me as soon as ever you can get amongst these islands off the Cambodge shore," he went on.
"Maroon you! We are not living in a boy's adventure tale," I protested.
His scornful whispering took me up.
"We aren't indeed! There's nothing of a boy's tale in this.
But there's nothing else for it.I want no more.
You don't suppose I am afraid of what can be done to me?
Prison or gallows or whatever they may please.
But you don't see me coming back to explain such things to an old fellow in a wig and twelve respectable tradesmen, do you? What can they know whether I am guilty or not--or of WHAT I am guilty, either? That's my affair.
What does the Bible say? `Driven off the face of the earth.'
Very well, I am off the face of the earth now.As I came at night so I shall go.""Impossible!" I murmured."You can't."
"Can't?...Not naked like a soul on the Day of Judgment.
I shall freeze on to this sleeping suit.The Last Day is not yet--and...you have understood thoroughly.Didn't you?"I felt suddenly ashamed of myself.I may say truly that I understood--and my hesitation in letting that man swim away from my ship's side had been a mere sham sentiment, a sort of cowardice.
"It can't be done now till next night," I breathed out.
"The ship is on the off-shore tack and the wind may fail us.""As long as I know that you understand," he whispered.
"But of course you do.It's a great satisfaction to have got somebody to understand.You seem to have been there on purpose."And in the same whisper, as if we two whenever we talked had to say things to each other which were not fit for the world to hear, he added, "It's very wonderful."We remained side by side talking in our secret way--but sometimes silent or just exchanging a whispered word or two at long intervals.And as usual he stared through the port.
A breath of wind came now and again into our faces.
The ship might have been moored in dock, so gently and on an even keel she slipped through the water, that did not murmur even at our passage, shadowy and silent like a phantom sea.
At midnight I went on deck, and to my mate's great surprise put the ship round on the other tack.
His terrible whiskers flitted round me in silent criticism.
I certainly should not have done it if it had been only a question of getting out of that sleepy gulf as quickly as possible.
I believe he told the second mate, who relieved him, that it was a great want of judgment.The other only yawned.
That intolerable cub shuffled about so sleepily and lolled against the rails in such a slack, improper fashion that Icame down on him sharply.
"Aren't you properly awake yet?"
"Yes, sir! I am awake."
"Well, then, be good enough to hold yourself as if you were.
And keep a lookout.If there's any current we'll be closing with some islands before daylight."The east side of the gulf is fringed with islands, some solitary, others in groups.One the blue background of the high coast they seem to float on silvery patches of calm water, arid and gray, or dark green and rounded like clumps of evergreen bushes, with the larger ones, a mile or two long, showing the outlines of ridges, ribs of gray rock under the dark mantle of matted leafage.
Unknown to trade, to travel, almost to geography, the manner of life they harbor is an unsolved secret.There must be villages--settlements of fishermen at least--on the largest of them, and some communication with the world is probably kept up by native craft.
But all that forenoon, as we headed for them, fanned along by the faintest of breezes, I saw no sign of man or canoe in the field of the telescope I kept on pointing at the scattered group.
At noon I have no orders for a change of course, and the mate's whiskers became much concerned and seemed to be offering themselves unduly to my notice.At last I said:
"I am going to stand right in.Quite in--as far as I can take her."The stare of extreme surprise imparted an air of ferocity also to his eyes, and he looked truly terrific for a moment.