Not till that moment did Maggie realize the full truth; not till then did she realize the solid influence Larry Brainard had been in the background of her life all these months.
"I didn't go through with it because of Larry Brainard."
"Larry Brainard!" His astonishment increased. "You know Larry Brainard, then?"
"I've known him for several years."
"And you've been coming out, and he's been pretending not to know you!
Of course I knew what Larry Brainard has been. But is he in this, too?"
"No. He's exactly what you think him. From the start he's been trying to keep me out of this. He was behind my coming to your house; he's told me so. His reason for getting me there was his belief that my being treated by you and your sister as I was would make me ashamed of myself and make me want to quit what I was doing. And I think--I think he was right--partly."
"And Larry--he's the reason you're telling me now?"
"I think so. But there are other reasons." Making a clean breast of things though she was, she felt she dared not trust Dick with the secret of her father. "I--I wanted to clear things up as far as I was responsible. That's one reason I'm telling you. There was the chance you might sometime find out that Larry had known me and suspect him; I wanted you to know the truth of what he'd really done. And I wanted to tell you the truth about myself, so you'd despise and forget me, instead of perhaps carrying around romantic delusions about me after I've gone. And there's another reason. I'd like to tell you--for you've been everything that's fine to me--if it won't offend you."
"Go on," he said huskily.
"Barney Palmer picked you out as the victim--you didn't know you were being picked out--because he said that you were an easy mark. That you took things for exactly what they pretended to be, and didn't care what you did with your money. That you never would settle down into a responsible person. I'm telling you all this, Dick, because I don't want you to be what Barney said."
Dick slumped into a chair, at last beaten down by this cumulative revelation. He buried his face in his hands and his panting breath was convulsive with unuttered sobs. Maggie looked down upon the young boy, with pity, remorse, and an increasing recognition of the wide-spread suffering she had wrought.
"To think that this has all been horrible make-believe!" he at last groaned. "That all the while I've been looked on as just a young fool who would always remain a fool!"
Maggie, in her sense of guilt, was helpless to make any reply that would soften his agony; and for a space neither spoke.
Presently Dick stood suddenly up. His face was still marked by suffering, but somehow it seemed to have grown older without losing its youth. There was a new blaze of determination in the direct look he held on Maggie.
"You say you have never loved me?" he demanded.
She shook her head. "But I've told you that I've always liked you."
"Larry Brainard's doing what he has kept on doing for you--that means that he loves you, doesn't it?" he pressed on.
"He has told me so."
"And you love him?"
"What difference does that make?--since I am going away as soon as I get everything I'm wholly or partly responsible for cleared up."