Bunny saw a family of Quails sitting on a rail.Bunny told Mother quail her story and asked for help.She said Bunny should not have disobeyed her mother by going into the forest.Bunny did not find this helpful because she was really not good at doing what she was told.
Bunny asked squirrel for advice.Squirrel moved her tail and twitched her nose.She said Bunny just needed to remember how much she loved her family.If she followed her heart it would lead her home.Bunny was good at listening to her heart.
Finally Bunny found the road to Bunny Town and she ran down it.She was remembering all the things she loved about her family and her home.Bunny had a good memory.
Bunny was so happy when she saw her town at the end of the road that she danced.Bunny was so good at dancing that she could even dance on her hands-upside down.